As a resident of Concord, I can say with confidence that grade seperation will never occur. However, I would say that once Crosby's Corner and the rotary are fixed up, the road will flow much smoother. The Sudbury Road intersection is not a huge deal since a large portion of the westbound traffic gets off at Fairhaven road which is a pain free exit... Also, the light at Emerson hospital is helpful for flexibility with emergency vehicles and builiding a limited access ramp there would likely entail costly environmental work due to the proximity of the Sudbury River. The only plausible road that I could see a ramp being built at is the Main St. light. However, if I had to guess, much of the traffic there will be alleviated with the rotary reconstruction. Does anyone know if the plans at the rotary include a ramp being built at the Elm St. merge near Papa Razzi?