To my knowledge there have been no suggestions from the city for what they might do with the Oxford Street shelter once Riverside is opened (which would be Spring 2023 at the earliest). Intuition says they'd sell the lot to a developer, but that's just speculation.
Even without the homeless shelter, this new building directly abuts a squat and rather unattractive parking garage and is within spitting distance of a working scrapyard, which I can't believe is still operating on the peninsula. If it helps our street cred nationally, I'd bet we have the only Whole Foods that's across the street from a scrap yard!
Even without the homeless shelter, this new building directly abuts a squat and rather unattractive parking garage and is within spitting distance of a working scrapyard, which I can't believe is still operating on the peninsula. If it helps our street cred nationally, I'd bet we have the only Whole Foods that's across the street from a scrap yard!