Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

470 Western Avenue Brighton

View attachment 50500

“The project proposes the construction of a new six (6) story 39 unit residential building of approximately 34,495 square feet of gross floor area, with on-site parking for 14 vehicles, bicycle parking spaces and improvements in landscaping, pedestrian connectivity, and related public realm improvements in and around the Site, consistent with the character and housing needs of the surrounding community (the “Proposed Project”). The project is anticipated to include two (2) studio units, nineteen (19) one-bedroom units, thirteen (13) two-bedroom units, and five (5) three-bedroom units.”

-This has been approved.

Plans Approved for 39 Unit Residential Project in Brighton​

“Plans have been approved for a multifamily development at 470 & 470A Western Avenue in Brighton. The building will offer 39 residential units with 7 designated affordable. The project will bring new landscaping and public realm improvements to the neighborhood including new sidewalks along the project site and six new trees.”

470 western
Too bad. Stately older home they're obliterating. They should be building on place of the CVS across the street - that would be a clearer net-positive for the area.
In the first two renderings above, the shadows are cast as if the sun is coming directly from the north. That is not a good indication of the amount of thought and care the developer is bringing to this project.

Group proposes 49 affordable apartments for seniors on grounds of Allston's last Baptist church, which will be turned into a community center​

Rendering of proposed 279-283 North Harvard St.

“The Allston Brighton Community Development Corp. today filed plans to build a four-story, 49-unit apartment building on North Harvard Street at Coolidge Road in Allston, next to the former Hill Memorial Baptist Church, which will be turned into a " a programmed resident and community space."

All of the apartments would be rented to senior citizens making no more than 60% of the Boston area median income, according to the plans submitted to the Boston Planning Department. A "distressed" single-family home would be torn down to make way for the new housing and for a 15-car parking lot.“

6-Story Multifamily Proposed Along North Beacon St.​

“Alpha Management has proposed a 6-story multifamily at 23-25 North Beacon Street in Allston. The proposed project includes the demolition of an existing three-story residential structure and the construction of a six-story, 25-unit multi-family building. The development will replace an existing parking area at the rear of the site with shared open space for building residents, reducing impervious surface and increasing usable green space.”

23 north beacon

6-Story Multifamily Proposed Along North Beacon St.​

“Alpha Management has proposed a 6-story multifamily at 23-25 North Beacon Street in Allston. The proposed project includes the demolition of an existing three-story residential structure and the construction of a six-story, 25-unit multi-family building. The development will replace an existing parking area at the rear of the site with shared open space for building residents, reducing impervious surface and increasing usable green space.”

23 north beacon

This is what it’s replacing. I‘d call that a huge win. It is stringing these nice fielding plays and singles that will end up scoring massive amounts of runs for the Boston area. The common refrain of “But there’s nowhere left to build” is incorrect. There are hundreds of opportunities to turn Boston into a 24/7 dynamic city. The demand is there - - - just need the interest rates to start coming down - - -watch the Federal Reserves moves on September 18th. That may be the milestone starting move that could turn the housing tide.

……next, pan across the street……..
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6-Story Multifamily Proposed Along North Beacon St.​

“Alpha Management has proposed a 6-story multifamily at 23-25 North Beacon Street in Allston. The proposed project includes the demolition of an existing three-story residential structure and the construction of a six-story, 25-unit multi-family building. The development will replace an existing parking area at the rear of the site with shared open space for building residents, reducing impervious surface and increasing usable green space.”

23 north beacon

The only qualms you could really have with this building are a lack of ground-floor retail/dining and it not being taller. However you could probably get both by arguing that is likely to be (and really should be IMO) an S3 Squares and Streets district once the Allston Village S+S rezoning occurs. That would allow for 7 stories and mandate an active ground floor, which should be very easy to find a tenants for in this area.

Also, if anyone is unaware, you can provide comments on this development here.
The only qualms you could really have with this building are a lack of ground-floor retail/dining and it not being taller. However you could probably get both by arguing that is likely to be (and really should be IMO) an S3 Squares and Streets district once the Allston Village S+S rezoning occurs. That would allow for 7 stories and mandate an active ground floor, which should be very easy to find a tenants for in this area.

Also, if anyone is unaware, you can provide comments on this development here.

Honestly don't think the lack of ground floor retail is a problem here given that it's a stone throw from the little restaurant row in Union Sq. Looks like a good project!
Honestly don't think the lack of ground floor retail is a problem here given that it's a stone throw from the little restaurant row in Union Sq. Looks like a good project!
You're completely right, and I don't think I articulated my concerns with this correctly in my first post. This is a great way to add some much needed housing to Allston with gentle density. However, it would not be allowed under any S+S zones. It is one floor to tall for S2, and doesn't have the active ground floor for S3. While this obviously isn't a problem now, it will be once the zoning is applied to Allston Village. Building something that will likely be zoning non-compliant in a few years will just cause future headaches for both the developer and the neighborhood, so it would be better to see it addressed now instead of later.

Board likes proposed Allston apartment building but tells developer to come back with some more open space on the lot​


"The Zoning Board of Appeal yesterday rejected plans for a 14-unit apartment building - with three affordable units - at 17 Linden St., saying that while they and the Boston Planning Department both agree it would be a great addition to the side street off Cambridge Street, it just needs to be pruned back a bit to add some more open space in an area nowhere near a park."

Board likes proposed Allston apartment building but tells developer to come back with some more open space on the lot​


"The Zoning Board of Appeal yesterday rejected plans for a 14-unit apartment building - with three affordable units - at 17 Linden St., saying that while they and the Boston Planning Department both agree it would be a great addition to the side street off Cambridge Street, it just needs to be pruned back a bit to add some more open space in an area nowhere near a park."
Ringer park is like a 10 minute walk away.....
I imagine the desire for open space is not for a park space, but to provide greenery that can combat the urban heat island affect in this part of Allston. IMO, this is one of the few things that I think is reasonable to ask of new development. However, this definitely should have been communicated to the developer sooner so they didn't get rejected by the ZBA and have to schedule another hearing.
That's a valid concern for an ongoing problem that's only getting worse no doubt, but I will say though that its relative importance to me is small compared to affordability. My policy preference is that something like this be waived until the housing market problem wanes enough that its level of importance is closer to that of urban heat. I recognize reasonable people may disagree
I imagine the desire for open space is not for a park space, but to provide greenery that can combat the urban heat island affect in this part of Allston. IMO, this is one of the few things that I think is reasonable to ask of new development. However, this definitely should have been communicated to the developer sooner so they didn't get rejected by the ZBA and have to schedule another hearing.
That's potentially a good idea, but the developer proposed cutting the parking for green space and the ZBA wouldn't play ball. Unacceptable.
That's potentially a good idea, but the developer proposed cutting the parking for green space and the ZBA wouldn't play ball. Unacceptable.
I'd honestly be completely fine with it if the ZBA had clear and consistent open space expectations. This is a completely reasonable ask, but it should have come up much sooner and shouldn't be delaying the project.

Radio tower, studios could make way for apartments on Leo Birmingham Parkway in Brighton​


"A developer has filed plans to replace a building housing radio stations and an antenna tower on Leo Birmingham Parkway across from Lincoln Street in Brighton with an eight-story, 338-unit apartment building."

"The building would be all electric, with no gas hookups, and would have 175 parking spaces in an underground garage, according to the filing."
I imagine the desire for open space is not for a park space, but to provide greenery that can combat the urban heat island affect in this part of Allston. IMO, this is one of the few things that I think is reasonable to ask of new development. However, this definitely should have been communicated to the developer sooner so they didn't get rejected by the ZBA and have to schedule another hearing.

Couldnt they kill 2 birds with 1 stone by just painting their roof white? A tiny little patch of grass is really not going to contribute anything and its taking away units that could be added to the development. Instead let the building take up the entire plot and paint the roof white, or add a green roof or something. Now you have the majority of the lot helping combat the heat island effect vs a tiny little spot and you get as many new units as can fit….win/win.
