So, how about that giant tech company that is considering Boston as a site for their second Hq?
Sounds like a great idea.
I don't think Amazon would invest so heavily in the Seaport area if they were planning on building a huge campus here.
So, how about that giant tech company that is considering Boston as a site for their second Hq?
Sounds like a great idea.
I don't think Amazon would invest so heavily in the Seaport area if they were planning on building a huge campus here.
I suspect that the HQ2 search is a special team segregated from normal operations and that people outside that team have orders to continue "business as usual" with no regard for the HQ2 search. Any and all pending deals can be dropped or amended once a city is chosen, but Amazon cannot afford to freeze all expansion in the 20 best metros in North America just because ONE of them MIGHT become HQ2.
If they pick Boston as HQ2 and scrub this Seaport deal, nobody in Boston is going to complain. Giving even odds to all 20 cities, there is only a 5% chance of that happening. That makes proceeding with this deal (or ones like it in other cities) a safe bet for Amazon and a no-lose situation for Boston.
I suspect that the HQ2 search is a special team segregated from normal operations and that people outside that team have orders to continue "business as usual" with no regard for the HQ2 search. Any and all pending deals can be dropped or amended once a city is chosen, but Amazon cannot afford to freeze all expansion in the 20 best metros in North America just because ONE of them MIGHT become HQ2.
If they pick Boston as HQ2 and scrub this Seaport deal, nobody in Boston is going to complain. Giving even odds to all 20 cities, there is only a 5% chance of that happening. That makes proceeding with this deal (or ones like it in other cities) a safe bet for Amazon and a no-lose situation for Boston.
Amazon, one of the world's richest companies, to get up to $10M in property-tax breaks
Amazon, one of the world's richest companies, to get up to $10M in property-tax breaks
As a follow up from what I mentioned earlier, something like this would give me pause about moving to Austin, if police confirms that this was racially motivated. It plays into the "we are not welcomed here" factor.
Cause Boston is an angel with regards to race relations. But every city has some race problems, I don't think it would a dividing factor.
In fact I don't think that the red state blue state thing will have much of an affect on Amazon's decision.
Gotta disagree with this somewhat. I can't believe it won't have some influence on the decision. Maybe not the dominant one but I don't see how you can keep business and politics separate in the real world.
I've heard this once before and I think it holds an element of truth. In the north white people don't have many black friends/neighbors, but they would vote for a black politician. People in the south would never vote for a black politician, but they are good friends with African Americans and interact with them throughout their daily lives.
Plenty of black southern politicians, elected by white people.
Because Amazon can go anywhere... local businesses don't have that option.
You act like Boston needs Amazon.