archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

For whom will you be voting on Tuesday?

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Warren poised to join Senate Banking Committee

Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is likely to head the Senate Banking Committee, much to the chagrin of Wall Street. The NOW panel discusses.

- Wall Street contributed $245,400 to the Warren campaign and $3 million to Brown.
- Top Romney donors: GoldmanSachs, BoA, Morgan Stanley, JPMC, and Credit Suisse
- Top Obama donors: UCal, Microsoft, Google, US Gov't, Harvard
- Central theme at play here: Obama wins the makers (industry leaders, true American capitalist productivity), Romney wins the takers (banks, casinos where house always win)

Come on, they're both for the bankers, quite obviously. Otherwise neither one would have been the "frontrunners" for president.
Free Beacon's like right wing Gawker. But without the journalistic integrity.

I'll just leave this here and continue to watch this flame war make Hiroshima look like a Girl Scout trying to light a match.

I'm all for the elimination of superpacs, that Obama was against the supreme courts ruling, he said so during a state of the union. And I think it's good that some ones calling out mainstream media. But this whole liberal conspiracy is for idiots. Yes the more open minded news organizations are out to get you scared close minded white men. Keep vigilant on the global warming hoax too.
Fixed Income. You can guess which company I work for.

It's gonna be rough on you but
maybe in some screwed up way,
that's the best thing that can
happen to you...stop trading for
the quick buck and go produce
something with your life, create,
don't live off the buying and
selling of others...
It's gonna be rough on you but
maybe in some screwed up way,
that's the best thing that can
happen to you...stop trading for
the quick buck and go produce
something with your life, create,
don't live off the buying and
selling of others...

Nah, Wall Street can't do that. Obama and his bitches will bailout Wall Street again. This is why Dems are Hypocrites just like the Republicans.

Never bailout failure. This is America a country based on laws that support EQUALITY not like China or Russia.

America politicans at this point are just as bad as China and Russia political class. Printing & Printing money is destroying the Working class family that actually keeps America running. That is the true morality to Wall Street and Washington. Wall Street and Washington Hacks feel like they are smarter than the average citizen in reality they are TRAITORS to American Democracy.
Perhaps time to retitle this thread "Ayn Rand, Keith Olbermann and Friends"?
Said the lawyer without a hint of irony.

Seriously though, this isn't even a conversation anymore. Lock thread?

I absolutely do not live of the buying and selling of others. KentXie does though. What he does is much closer to what Bain does than what I ever will do. Suing insurance companies is much more a liberal ideal, and nobler, than trading bonds.

More importantly
Lock thread?

Please don't. It appears to be keeping a lot of the political nonsense out of (most) other threads. People clearly feel the need to come to aB and scream at one another. Let's at least keep it confined if possible.
political nonsense

80-100 Trillion in Debt for Social Securtiy & Medicare
16 Trillion in National Debt

700-1000 In Deriatives by the Wall Street Bank.

All Political Non-sense. You must live in LA LA Land. You have no clue what is coming.
And there are approximately 700-1000 trillion websites devoted to discussing those issues.

I'm still not sure why you so firmly believe a forum focused on the architecture of a mid-sized city is the best possible platform available to you.
I absolutely do not live of the buying and selling of others. KentXie does though. What he does is much closer to what Bain does than what I ever will do. Suing insurance companies is much more a liberal ideal, and nobler, than trading bonds.

You're giving the kid entirely too much credit. He's a Northeastern co-op student running coffee. The closest he'll ever come to running money is working the cash register at the 99.
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You're giving the kid entirely too much credit. He's a Northeastern co-op student running coffee. The closest he'll ever come to running money is working the cash register at the Kowloon.

I actually find that offensive. I actually enjoy Kentxie posts, sometimes I don't agree with him but they are worth a read.

KMP insults like that have no merit on this board.
And there are approximately 700-1000 trillion websites devoted to discussing those issues.

I'm still not sure why you so firmly believe a forum focused on the architecture of a mid-sized city is the best possible platform available to you.

Statler then don't read the thread. If the city of Boston development process was based on 100% economics and pure merit than Politics should be excluded entirely. The problem in the city of Boston is 100% of the developments are purely based on Political connections.
Statler then don't read the thread. If the city of Boston development process was based on 100% economics and pure merit than Politics should be excluded entirely. The problem in the city of Boston is 100% of the developments are purely based on Political connections.

None of this...
80-100 Trillion in Debt for Social Securtiy & Medicare
16 Trillion in National Debt

700-1000 In Deriatives by the Wall Street Bank.

All Political Non-sense. You must live in LA LA Land. You have no clue what is coming.
...has much of anything to do with Boston Architecture. Politics come into play on the local level with the BRA and Menino, perhaps going up to the state level if it involves transit or taxes. But flag waving in every thread screaming about Obama isn't helping the discussion. That's why the forum is organized in the way it is. That's why we have topics and threads. I agree with the sentiment, keep the political crap out of the architecture threads unless it has a direct bearing on the building.

I have no problem with threads like this or any other off-topic thread in the General section, but if we are having a nice discussion about the latest alucobond stump shitshow being built downtown and all of a sudden I see a five hundred word essay/RANT about the deficit, yeah, I get annoyed.
This thread topic is about "archBoston Presidential Poll 2012 " You can't control bloggers ideas, written comments on rants or whatever whacked out shit they write.

Doesn't the site have a block user function? Block out the specific person in which you don't want to read his or her comments. Its that simple.

I don't even use the blocking feature, I already know which bloggers to read and just completely disregard the other rants.
Because not everything you write is an off-topic rant.

You have written some really interesting, insightful stuff about the built environment.

It would be a shame to block that stuff out.
