So I will no longer be the site's administrator -- a job I was never really crazy about in the first place. I only wanted to make sure the board was kept alive and I think I did a pretty decent job at that over the past 15 years (!!!) or so.
Edward approached me several years ago asking to buy the site, but I declined. At the time, though, he did introduce me to his UrbanToronto site and I thought it could serve as a good model for what archBOSTON could become. It had many of the features that many members here in the "grow-bigger" contingent had expressed interest in implementing. However, upgrading the site would require more time and money than I could afford alone, and organizing a group of volunteers interested in making it happen proved to be beyond my abilities. And the years went by.
Over time my availability to actually run the site became less and less. Worse, the job itself became more and more time-consuming and tedious. It got to the point where it was too much for me to handle, so I tried to relegate most admin duties to the mods and stopped paying attention to certain aspects. But, I just want to reiterate to people, I NEVER ABANDONED THE SITE. I continued checking on and reading the board daily. I made sure the lights stayed on, and if there were any technical problems, which did pop up from time to time, I made sure they were resolved.
It became clear to me recently that I no longer had the time nor the inclination to run the site anymore and something needed to be done. I attempted to reach out and figure out a new direction for the site with some members but, again, the organizing was impossible for me. People were going in too many different directions and I couldn't figure out the way forward. I threw up my hands in frustration and decided I just didn't want to do this anymore.
Edward assured me the site would continue on and be well taken care of. He has the experience and resources to grow and maintain the site. I think everyone is going to be very pleased with the way this turns out.
As for me, I'm just another poster from now on. :smile: