armpitOfmight: Big Douche or BIGGEST DOUCHE?

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Re: Stuart Street

Isn't it time we used that on armpitsOFmight? Enough of his/her shit already.
Re: Stuart Street

I'm sorry, but if you can't be remotely civil, find another place to post.
Re: Stuart Street

Why are you guys trying to de-rail this thread? It's about Stuart Street, not me. Seriously, all three (maybe four) of you need to grow up.

....sooooo getting back on track.....where do you think we should put the next big box tower? Kneeland?
You're such a lame moderator, but I guess it's better to take out your anger on me rather than shooting up your classmates at school.
youRe makiNG the PISS out of me. NOT being the NICE NY typ person!!! BUT.
Olds unky get camera bACK from the dutchlande. I get lilletle CANON. So go to Mashfield Fair and TAke pictura of DONKEY so have pictura of u.
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