Nice wetland in the lower left. I wish this project could have built in some sort of greenway/wetland within the development. (I assume this whole area was once marsh).
We got record rains on Monday and this pic was taken on Wednesday. There's a good chance that's a puddle.
Ruth Chris Steak House going into ground floor of Partners Building. This says something about the transformation of Slummerville!
Floors in triple deckers cost over 500k in Somerville! It's far from Slummerville.
That's been true for a decade. Try over $1 million for my upstairs neighbor! (a 2-family, not a triple decker to be fair)
The belovedly named XMBLY is going to be another great addition as well.
You can see parcel 8 and Puma aligned correctly.
Hey, I'm doing a project on TOD in Boston for school and wanted to know who made these maps, I'd love to use them in a presentation if I can get permission from the authors. Thanks!
Edit: Also, which parcel(s) made up the "9.3-acre Yard 21" that was sold by MBTA to Somerville in 2000? Based on old aerial photos of the factory it looks like the present Partners building, but I'm not 100% sure and would appreciate any help. Thanks!
Hey, I'm doing a project on TOD in Boston for school and wanted to know who made these maps, I'd love to use them in a presentation if I can get permission from the authors. Thanks!
Edit: Also, which parcel(s) made up the "9.3-acre Yard 21" that was sold by MBTA to Somerville in 2000? Based on old aerial photos of the factory it looks like the present Partners building, but I'm not 100% sure and would appreciate any help. Thanks!
Is this the "Building TBD" in the image below? (And is there any movement on Partners Phase II?)
When I went by yesterday, Site 5B (Puma), 7A and/or 7B and 8 appeared to have active construction. Any updates on 7A, 7B and 8?