Berklee Expansion Plans | Back Bay

I'm glad something is being done at least to clean up that area. It is supposed to be the gateway to the Fens but it's just a down-at-heels section of town.
Why did the fenway clinic move? That building doesn't look particularly out of date. Lease expire?
The health center moved into a new tower which is part of the 1330 Boylston Street development.
The health center moved into a new tower which is part of the 1330 Boylston Street development.

The new spot allowed consolidation and lots of growth. There was an article in the Globe a couple months ago, but I can't find it. Good for them, that their health care and research took off so well.
Two days later, and a construction shed has gone up at Jack's

Plans taken from here.





^ with saved facades, v without


Addition to the backside of 161-71 Mass Ave for new classrooms

I didn't realize there was a second proposal that involved tearing down the facades. I love that little bank building on the corner.

I wonder what the neighborhood response is going to be that tower. Actually, I know what the neighborhood response is going to be.
Hmm joeboes, I much prefer the performance center's facade over that little corner bank building. Up close it's rather boring concrete with little detail or tactile interest. Inside there's one or two rooms on the main floor worth saving, but the whole second floor is comprised of generic classrooms with no trace of what once was.
I wouldn't be that sad if it had to go. I'd like to see the development move forward.

There was a quote in the Courant last year about the bank building by a (I think I'm remembering this correctly) historic commissioner. The person said that it would be worth saving on the merit's of its appearance alone, or something like that. It kind of ticked me off because the SC&L building wasn't given that same consideration.
I didn't realize there was a second proposal that involved tearing down the facades. I love that little bank building on the corner.

It'll never happen. Height will be (in fact IS) contigent on saving the shells of the bank and theater. Some of my neighbors hate it. Like NIMBYs who think the shadows on the turnpike will be unbearable and that one lady protecting the interests of future developers over the turnpike. Most are open to the idea if we get a collection of other, smaller formalized concessions such as a no smoking zone on Mass Ave, better maintenance of sidewalks and things.

I wonder what the neighborhood response is going to be that tower. Actually, I know what the neighborhood response is going to be.

These are just massing concepts btw. They make it clear over and over that there's no project architect engaged so this isn't the design just general shape. I think they said they had to also show BRA/BTD that the Cambria Street easement will work for MCCA access.
bbfen, any idea if there's any plan to build something on the patch of concrete between Boylston and the little feeder street onto St. Cecilia ? I've always hoped to see that area -- the concrete patch as well as the fairly pointless feeder street -- developed.
If you're a Berklee student and didn't go to the Yes concert tonight, you don't deserve to play the guitar.
There was a proposal a while back, not part of Berklee, but it was part of a broader proposal to redevelop that whole intersection.

Looks like that's dead now... That'd be a good place for some infill, potentially eliminating the little access street there... Thanks for the heads up, Van!
Looks like that's dead now... That'd be a good place for some infill, potentially eliminating the little access street there... Thanks for the heads up, Van!

Right, that's Cambria Street. MCCA seems satisfied they can still receive tractor trailors if Berklee gets an easement to square off the corner and BTD was at a meeting and said the same. Funny thing is that doing this would return that block to what it used to be: the bank building and then a long block of buildings fronting Boylston to present day St. Cecilia St.
If a tower dosn't get built at (arguably) the intersection of Boston (right next to the T and two blocks away from the Pru also), it would be the screw in the coffin for me as to why we shouldn't listen to residents. Not ONE logical reason.
These people aren't rational. There is no screw, there's no coffin. All they care about it themselves and somehow the system is set up in a way that allows it.
bbfen, any idea if there's any plan to build something on the patch of concrete between Boylston and the little feeder street onto St. Cecilia ? I've always hoped to see that area -- the concrete patch as well as the fairly pointless feeder street -- developed.

Isn't exactly that going on in the proposal?

No, he means the smallish triangle somewhat outside the view, starting where the word "Loading" is in the "Service and loading" box.
