Biking in Boston

Bike share in Boston is now scheduled for Summer of 2011. It was delayed because the City was negotiating with the vendor about bike ownership. The City has agreed to buy the bikes but the vendor will maintain them. So, there was a little bit of a funding issue, but it's still moving forward.
That quote from the first StarWars movie about the spaceport is about as accurate as one could describe the UN. The faster the UN goes the way the League of Nations the better.
Bike share in Boston is now scheduled for Summer of 2011. It was delayed because the City was negotiating with the vendor about bike ownership. The City has agreed to buy the bikes but the vendor will maintain them. So, there was a little bit of a funding issue, but it's still moving forward.

There was a bait and switch. They went with the canadians over a local company and a foreign company with local staff, and claimed Bixi had all the funding lined up. That was a lie.
How have no local politicians come out against this?

I once thought the mayor's efforts to promote cycling and other environmental initiatives were harmless and well-meaning. Now I realize that's exactly the attitude they want you to have.

This is bigger than it looks like on the surface, and it could threaten our personal freedoms.

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That's overblown unless cities' start enacting the taxes and regulation proposed by the UN with the checks going into the UN's coffers. That would be a violation of the Constitution as well, as local and state governments aren't supposed to engage in foreign affairs. So don't get all X-Files paranoid and worried just yet.
Pfft! We all know the U.N. is just a cover operation for the Trilateral Commission (who of course work under direct orders of the Illuminati) You think some 200+ year old paper is any consequence to them?
Don't forget about the clever manipulation by Skull and Bones. Bush was a member and also an avid cyclist.
Mere foot soldiers, much like the Knights Templar/Masons before their cover was blown by that crafty scholar Dan Brown.
No, just a gentle mocking of general conspiracy nuts.

I assume National Treasure covered a lot of the same ground.
It's like the Tea Party's version of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington".
DC has their second contraflow bike lane.

Boston has lots of streets where this would be useful.

^ There's one of those on my street in Cambridge.
Every small residential one-way street should by default allow contraflow bike traffic -- even without explicit bike lanes. This is the case in much of the Netherlands and Germany.
PMing you (otherwise I'm basically giving out my address).
Thanks. Streetview indicates that it is at least 3 years old. I wonder why that street, and not others?

Also, Ill be holding an auction for tomorrow for czsz's home address. Bidding begins at 4pm. Drinks will be provided. Bids start at $10.
Thanks. Streetview indicates that it is at least 3 years old. I wonder why that street, and not others?

Also, Ill be holding an auction for tomorrow for czsz's home address. Bidding begins at 4pm. Drinks will be provided. Bids start at $10.

This is why I prefer to remain semi-anonymous on this board. :rolleyes:
Thanks. Streetview indicates that it is at least 3 years old. I wonder why that street, and not others?

I assume because it wasn't intentionally laid out as a counterflow street; it's just meant to connect the nearby park with the main (two way) bike path nearby.

There's still a cute little stop sign for the bikes facing the "wrong" direction on the street, though.
