Biking in Boston

When I used to bike a lot, there were a few places where I would cross an intersection or even make a left turn by becoming a pedestrian - dismounting and waiting for the walk signal (if I was making a left turn I would do this from the right corner, obviously). I'm not saying this should be everyone's solution, but I found the extra moments' wait were worth the benefits of less stress and more safety. It's also a good demonstration of the bike's versatility as a mode of transit.
Wanna hear something retarded? The city is gonna put bike lanes on Centre Street in JP. Good luck not getting doored.
Boston Globe Magazine - May 9, 2010
What cyclists neglect
After a fatal crash, they want more respect on the road. They need to earn it.

By Doug Most | May 9, 2010

The game of chicken is straightforward. Two objects move toward each other until one flinches. Of course, not all objects are equal, as anyone who has ever merged uncomfortably close to an 18-wheeler on the highway knows.

That?s why this quote from a story last month about 22-year-old Eric Michael Hunt, who was killed when he and his bicycle were run over by an MBTA Route 39 bus, seems misguided, if well-intentioned: ?They need to be held accountable.?

?They,? as Raymond Coderre saw it, are bus drivers. Because apparently when a 60-foot long bus collides with a 15-pound bike, the assumption is that it?s the bus driver?s responsibility, not the bike rider?s, to avoid contact. Not in my world, it?s not.

I spoke with Coderre. He?s a sensible fellow who rides between Brookline and Cambridge, where he?s a graduate student, and he insists he?s safe and respectful. He wants bus drivers to be punished if they clip a bicyclist and it?s obviously the driver?s fault. And he wants motorists to respect cyclists more. No argument here. My beef is I want cyclists to respect drivers more, too.

As Boston Police Officer James Kenneally told me, ?At the end of the day, bicyclists are supposed to abide by the same set of rules as drivers.?

I bike a lot, on some bad roads ? Columbia Road in Dorchester, Centre Street in Jamaica Plain, Mass. Ave. And I do stupid things on my bike. I?ve gone through red lights after looking both ways, biked the wrong way up one-way streets, biked on sidewalks.

But when I see a bus ahead, I slow and wait or ride up on the curb to get around it. And if I?m on a narrow or crowded street, I stay far right or even pull over to let it pass. What I don?t do is assume the bus driver sees me, assume he?ll wait, or assume she?ll let me pass.

When I heard about Hunt?s death, my heart went out to his family, and to the bus driver. Then I had one question, which was answered by this line in the April 9 Globe story: ?Hunt, who was not wearing a helmet. . . .?

Not wearing a helmet? While cycling on Huntington Avenue, alongside trolleys, buses, cars, and those treacherous tracks?

As of this writing, no one knows for certain what caused the accident. But if cyclists want the respect they cried out for after Hunt?s death, now is the time to remind themselves of some precautions that seem obvious ? but are too often ignored.

Wear a helmet. You don?t look cooler without it. It?s $50. Are you worried about hat head? Plus, and I say this as a driver, drivers will be less inclined to be angry at you if they think you actually care about safety. A helmetless rider is an arrogant rider.

Don?t wear headphones. On Comm. Ave., with its dedicated bike lane, I saw a near collision when a guy zipped through the BU Bridge intersection wearing an iPod. That?s illegal for drivers in Massachusetts. If you want to ride on the roads with cars, as Officer Kenneally said, abide by the same rules.

Buy the right clothes. Bicycling is not walking. And Mass. Ave. is not a dirt path in the country. Biking in black at any hour is dangerous. Biking in black after 5 p.m. is crazy. A neon green jacket, like the one I bought for $19, with reflectors on the arms, may not go with the pants you?re wearing, or the sandals you shouldn?t be wearing. But you?ll be the most noticeable thing on the road.

Never assume. But if you must assume, assume this: The driver doesn?t see you, that door on the parked car will swing open right now, and whoever you are meeting would rather you be five minutes late than not get there at all.

Richard Davey, the new MBTA chief, told me after the accident that all bus drivers watch a training video called ?Share the Road,? which focuses on bikes. And they sit through a simulator that presents three scenarios where a bike appears in front of the driver. ?Boston is a fairly aggressive place,? he says. ?We could all spend a moment to be a little more safe, more mindful that other vehicles and pedestrians are on the road.?

That?s true. But this is Boston, where I see a friendly, courteous driver as often as an accurate weather forecast.

Instead, I?d heed the advice of David Watson, the head of MassBike, who declares that cyclists need to be the most visible thing on the road but still act as if nobody can see them. ?Ride,? he says, ?like you?re invisible.?

Doug Most is the deputy managing editor of features at the Globe. E-mail him at
So boiled down, Doug Most thinks that his own bad behavior implicates all cyclists, and therefore we should exonerate all drivers from responsibility. I can't stand this type of article. Every single road user is responsible for himself and those with which he shares the road. Nobody gets a free pass from this just because some don't follow the rules. Bad behaving cyclists like Mr. Most should be penalized for their behavior. But when I ride by the rules, I have a right to expect that bad behaving drivers will likewise be penalized, whether or not Doug Most has improved his behavior.
Wanna hear something retarded? The city is gonna put bike lanes on Centre Street in JP. Good luck not getting doored.

The designs are taking that into consideration unlike the useless ones on Columbus Ave.
Commonwealth Avenue from the Bowker to the Public Garden and Arlington Street now have lanes/sharrows. As Joe Biden said, "This is a Big Fucking Deal!"
I laugh every time at a stupid cyclist every time they blow through stop signs, red lights, ride against traffic, weave in and out of cars stopped at a light. I don't feel bad at all when I see one of them go flying over a curb or ram into someone opening their door. 9 out of 10 people who ride bikes do not even come close to following the rules of the road, they feel that are special.

In fact, the other day I saw this happen, as I was walking by and so did a police officer. The guy on the bike pleaded to the police officer and he just laughed and said, watch out. Then turned to me and said I hate those assholes.

Another time I was on the bus, some biker was weaving in and out of cars at a light and as the driver veered to make a stop, with his blinker on, a biker was right on his ass and crashed right into the back of the bus. What I found interesting was the amount of pointing and laughing at the biker people on the bus did.

I also laugh when I see a hipster on a bike, wearing their headphones, dark clothes and no helmet. Idiots. They wonder why drivers hate them and have no sympathy for them.
When all the habitually traffic law breaking hipsters stop cycling and move onto some other fad, I honestly think the public's general opinion of cyclists will improve dramatically.
Im still not in Boston, so the following pics are not mine.

Im glad theyre finally being done. Yes, theyre a year behind schedule...but it happened, and thats a great thing.

Supposedly, beacon street in the area also got bike lanes?

Clearly this was planned for bike to work week. I wonder if the canadians will finally announce their launching plans for bixi?



Mass ave underpass
Will bixi work in Boston? You need to have decent bike paths like Montreal for it to be successful.
If the city can get more lanes on major arteries such that they are all connected, especially, then bike-share could work. Essex Street downtown (if one counts using the Silver Line bus lanes) is the only street marked for cyclists. That needs to change and quickly to have an effect.

Commonwealth Ave is a huge step forward and I hope the rest of Beacon Street, including the short leg between Kenmore to Brookline's lanes, gets the same treatment. Cambridge and Tremont streets could really use lanes as well, but I don't know how well those would fare in that traffic.

However, it seems that aside from the Columbus/Washington Street silver line shared lane of death, most of the new lanes have been focused in areas where university aged people commute to and from. There really needs to be a concerted effort to get facilities connecting all these new routes downtown.

Well, all of that and not to mention Mass Ave & Huntington Ave.
Just to play devil's advocate: how can cyclists be expected to follow laws designed for automobiles? They're different vehicles, and bikes were just added like an afterthought. It's got to be frustrating to be riding a bike, and you've got to sit behind a irritating exhaust when you could very easily pass all the cars right down the side of the lane.
Bikes are expected to pass stopped automobile traffic on the right -- there's no reason not to do so.
Kennedy, while bikes are supposed to follow the rules of the road, there are some exceptions written in law, such as passing on the right, making a pedestrian left turn if desired (crossing twice instead of merging left) and a couple of others. The problem is, there shouldnt be exceptions, there should be a whole set of independent rules because a bike is not a car or truck.

Bikes are expected to pass stopped automobile traffic on the right -- there's no reason not to do so.

Theyre legally allowed to do so, yes, but I dont understand WHY so many cyclists insist on doing so. Waiting in line gives you more time to accelerate, makes you more visible and (in my experience) reduces hostility. Im talking about general traffic btw, not an ocassion in which waiting in line would mean 2 or 3 light cycles.

Its also safer - less chance of being doored or having a driver merge right (pulling over)

Im in california right now, and motorcycles are allowed to split lanes. I dont own a motorcycle, but I would never do that if traffic was moving faster than 20mph, and yet today we were going at 55 and a motorcycle passed us at an uncomfortably close distance. Perfectly legal...but why do it?
I can't believe the city took away entire car lanes for these. It's great
