I don't even know who he's pandering to with this bike lanes nonsense. A fear-based plea centered around "bike lanes = congestion" is pretty much only going to appeal to someone who never sees the city outside the window of a car, who drives everywhere including Downtown and the Financial district, and who sees none of these amenities in their neighborhoods. Ergo, suburbanites who don't even live and vote in the city. Seeing bike lanes is a normalized enough experience even in the outer residential neighborhoods that I doubt there's a persuadable coalition of voters to be had here. And if they're to be had, they're part of an inherently unreliable coalition of NIMBY's who hate everything that represents progress...including some of the things that Kraft likes. And that's only going to drive him into a corner on the other issues.
It's messaging indicative of a guy who knows fuckall about the city he's recently claimed residency in. It's early yet, but if he doesn't get a way better set of core issues for actual constituents of the city this isn't going to be much of a race at all.