More signs are good, and obviously they dont just help cyclists, they help pedestrians to.
Boston sucks at wayfinding signs.
Not knowing anything about NYC's current numbers or expansion plans, I'll jump on the band wagon and vote for NYC @ 140. But I have to point out that 140 for NYC is absolutely terrible compared to 70 for Boston. If we could maintain a constant 1:2 ratio with New York, we would have a clearly better program.
400 for NYC sounds a bit more limited than 70 for Boston.
^ The constant pessimism is pretty tiresome...
A bunch of these signs popping up in the Financial District. Looks pretty useful.
Can someone explain how Government Center and Faneuil Hall are really different distances from this spot? They're next to one another.
"Government Center" is probably being assumed as where the T station is in front of 1-2-3 (also where the Hubway station is). From that point in the FiDi, you would have to bike up a hill to get up there adding the .2 miles. Faneuil Hall is at the same level the sign is at.
When they release their map in a week or so, we'll be able to see if theyre doing it right or not.
Dont also let arbitrary geographic separations get in the way. For example, while NYC includes Staten island, when it comes to (initial) bike share, that land mass and population must be completely ignored.
Just like it wouldnt have made sense to stick 2 stations in east boston.