Boston is Racist

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Racial discussions are a joke in this country, especially so in heavily liberal areas. The presumption is always that racism can only run in one direction and that, of course, would be from whites toward whichever victim group.

An acknowledgement that all races are equally capable of racism would greatly evolve the "discussion" from monologue to dialogue.
Boston is no more racist than any other American city, to me it seems to all stem from the 70's bussing and this myth that Boston is not racially diverse. So if were holding cities racism to the 1970's then what city wasn't bad, the Bronx was burnt and the South, lets not even go there. And as for Boston being a white city, I'd say New England is very white, but Boston is solidly mixed. Wiki has a it as 47% non hispanic white.
Racial discussions are a joke in this country, especially so in heavily liberal areas. The presumption is always that racism can only run in one direction and that, of course, would be from whites toward whichever victim group.

An acknowledgement that all races are equally capable of racism would greatly evolve the "discussion" from monologue to dialogue.
I see this often, and I think what you're missing is that it's merely a definition problem- the people saying racism is only done by whites are using the word "racism" to refer to overall societal structures that oppress racial groups other than the dominant group, rather than acts of discrimination done by individuals (who could be racists in any direction they please, as you note).
While riding the Red Line going into Downtown, there's a group college students talking about how there are too many Asians in Boston and that they should go back to where they came from, all the while, pretending not to notice my group of friends standing just a few feet away.

What I took from this:

Even colleges are not immune to stupidity.

Were these "college students" wearing dark glasses and carrying canes? It can be like ten below zero and there will be loads of young Asian women who will insist on wearing the world's shortest skirts and heels when every Latino, white and black chick is dressed up like the Michelin Man!
While riding the Red Line going into Downtown, there's a group college students talking about how there are too many Asians in Boston and that they should go back to where they came from, all the while, pretending not to notice my group of friends standing just a few feet away.

What I took from this:

Even colleges are not immune to stupidity.

KentXie, all you can validly say--without acting from "stupidity" yourself--is that those specific other T passengers were racist--which I will concede they likely were. From there, you should take your own advice about the horrors of saying bad things about whole groups based on your own personal, limited experiences--or other people's superficial characteristics like appearance or city whose transit they ride.

Can you see the parallels in the propositions below?

Unthinking, hostile, over-generalized world-views tied to race (like "Too many Asians") are a form of "stupidity" and are properly called racism,

Unthinking, hostile, over-generalized world-views tied to city (like "Boston is Racist") are a form of "stupidity" and are properly called ___________

(and sorry, the term "urbanism" which might have otherwise worked in parallel is taken for other uses ;-)
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There's someone in Berlin NH that really hates "fags." It looks like a giant blob of hate!
While riding the Red Line going into Downtown, there's a group college students talking about how there are too many Asians in Boston and that they should go back to where they came from, all the while, pretending not to notice my group of friends standing just a few feet away.

Sorry about the shitty quality, but I just couldn't resist:
Boston has certainly earned the reputation of being a racist city.

However, the most racist people I've encountered in my life were during the 6 1/2 years I spent in Asia, specifically (but not limited to) Malaysia.

No level of racism should be tolerated, but I'd actually argue that the United States is better than most countries in dealing with and discussing racism. Most of my well-traveled Malaysian friends would tell me that vising Canada or the US was far more pleasant for them than visiting Europe or Australia. Of course, Malaysia itself has its fair share of racism as well.

Now I'm not dismissing the racism we have here in Boston and in the rest of the States, but it needs to be put into perspective. In the US, Americans tend to use a lot more "coded" language for their racism, whereas in my experiences in SE Asia, it was far more open. I look at that as actually point towards the US because that means that Americans who espouse openly racist views will be called out for it by others.
While riding the Red Line going into Downtown, there's a group college students talking about how there are too many Asians in Boston and that they should go back to where they came from, all the while, pretending not to notice my group of friends standing just a few feet away.

What I took from this:

Even colleges are not immune to stupidity.

i love everybody... and while i admit, most abject communsts like that Loonbat Sanders, make me kinda sad. In any case, there's a song by one of my favorite progressive artists that justly addresses the plight of the immigrant.....

You ought to hear this song through a studio quality sound system. Start with a good Levinson Preamp, and maybe a stack of 1200 watt Bob Carver Sunfire's, and take in Becker's Strat, and that Alto Sax screaming through the monitors....
Don't hate the black
Don't hate the white
If you get bitten
Just hate the bite

-Sly Stone
Theres definitely more racist places in the country, but this is definitely one of the most segregated cities I have ever seen. I think a lot of it has to do with transit- or lack thereof with the orange line being moved and the red line also sliding right along the little sliver of waterfront in dorchester where it isn't dangerous. That leaves a lot of people left to take the bus. For the biggest neighborhood in Boston the redline does a good job of staying away from most of it. Cambridge is getting another rail line where theres already a few, and the Fairmount line cant even get DMU's. Then mattapan basically doesnt exist unless you really go out of your way to get there for no reason lol.
Asians were saying 'there were too many Asians on campus' at UCSD 30 years ago. ....i could see why they might think that. But my God to speak of it with actual words... The thought police nazi's weren't in full force to protect people from these bloody savages. ....Even the Marxist radicals in the Sociology Dept weren't yet fully weaponized to send them to the Ministry of Love for re-education. The HORROR of those times isn't missed.....
Asians were saying 'there were too many Asians on campus' at UCSD 30 years ago. ....i could see why they might think that. But my God to speak of it with actual words... The thought police nazi's weren't in full force to protect people from these bloody savages. ....Even the Marxist radicals in the Sociology Dept weren't yet fully weaponized to send them to the Ministry of Love for re-education. The HORROR of those times isn't missed.....

i would admit that i'm racist. we all are. i'd challenge any of you to deny your own deep-seated beliefs. To suggest that a certain geographic area is somehow more racist than another is to ignore fundamental human nature.

I think it's more a question of which areas put their beliefs into action.
Asians were saying 'there were too many Asians on campus' at UCSD 30 years ago. ....i could see why they might think that. But my God to speak of it with actual words... The thought police nazi's weren't in full force to protect people from these bloody savages. ....Even the Marxist radicals in the Sociology Dept weren't yet fully weaponized to send them to the Ministry of Love for re-education. The HORROR of those times isn't missed.....

The only racist is you odurandina and you were the one that probably said/would say that, not Asians. And don't call us bloody savages you racist lunatic virgin.

I ought to start going to these development meetings, print out everything you have posted here, and pass it out to all participants so no one would take you seriously at the meeting.
The only racist is you odurandina and you were the one that probably said/would say that, not Asians. And don't call us bloody savages you racist lunatic virgin.

I ought to start going to these development meetings, print out everything you have posted here, and pass it out to all participants so no one would take you seriously at the meeting.

I have no idea what Oduirana is saying. Do you?
The only racist is you odurandina and you were the one that probably said/would say that, not Asians. And don't call us bloody savages you racist lunatic virgin.

I ought to start going to these development meetings, print out everything you have posted here, and pass it out to all participants so no one would take you seriously at the meeting.

Just stand up and ask the board why they're wasting city residents' and taxpayers' time on a speaker from Millis.
I have no idea what Oduirana is saying. Do you?

I know what he is doing and that is trollbaiting. Honestly, I would subscribe the globe and post every stupid thing that odurandina post on this forum in the comment section so that nobody takes him seriously if it wasn't for the fact that it would be a waste of my time.
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