Boston Landing | New Balance Complex | Brighton

Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

We should be reserving that reaction to projects that put parking garages underground (or don't include them at all).

I got the impression atlantaden was referring to the ocean liner-esque new New Balance headquarters and not the pre-existing garage.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Nope, I was, indeed, referring to the garage. I'm just being a realist. Parking garages will continue to be built and that's a fact of life, in this life anyway, and since many, stand-alone parking garages tend to be ugly fucking hulks (we all know of too many examples) , anytime a developer can jazz em up like this one at NB, I'm all for it. Having said that, BosDevelop, yes, I have the same reaction to the Cruiseship/Sneaker going up as well. :)
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

We should be reserving that reaction to projects that put parking garages underground (or don't include them at all).

Yeah, just lipstick on a pig.

It'd be one thing if this were being knocked down with space-efficient parking at quantities less than the absurd required minimums, but it really isn't any nicer than this greenwashed, multi-storey parking garage and others like it in downtown Chicago...

Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

They also could have left it as it, I doubt they are seeing much ROI from sprucing it up...

Lets be thankful its slightly less ugly. Besides, as discussed in the Assembly Square thread, in a few decades it will be the next new hot development parcel.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex


Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

According to an article in B&T the BRA has approved the addition of 250 residential units and an additional 15K sqft retail to the Boston Landing master plan.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

According to an article in B&T the BRA has approved the addition of 250 residential units and an additional 15K sqft retail to the Boston Landing master plan.

Where are the residential units going? Is there going to be a new building added to this development?
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Yeah they bought up some additional land earlier this year, I think.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

I think the BBJ article states something like, "There will be 250 units in the $125 million project." That price tag includes retail but not that much, meaning the average unit will cos close to $500,000 to build.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

From a few days ago. I'm not saying it's aliens... but it's aliens:


And from today:



Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Sorry, no pics but the glass is going up. I only got a quick glance as I was driving by on the Pike but it looks similar to the glass at Millennium's Ritz Towers.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Crappy phone pic but glass is going up
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex









Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Great pics KZ. What they've done to the garage looks amazing from the whole area.

This is really more noticeable at night, but the new Headquarters looms over Litchfield St and nicely ends the street, even though it's on the other side of the Pike.

Damn sun:

No more progress on the facade since it went up:

Lol, this is so visible from my window:
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex






Looks like the new Guest Street is almost ready







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Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Look at this fuckin thing... ALL ABOARD!!
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Have they started any work on the sports complex/Bruins practice facility yet? I would think with the Bruins on board that they would be pushing that along ASAP although perhaps the Bruins still have a few years left on their lease in Wilmington.
