There are other threads on this theme. Some of them from the olden days, maybe lost in the crash. Reading this one sent me over the edge. (Yet again, tonight.)
Boston has plenty of nightlife. Just because it isn't conveniently situated in one dynamic, packed, segregated locale (nor should it be) doesn't mean it doesn't exist!
(Cacao break needed.)
(Returning now... calmed.)
Be thankful for what you got there. Stop thinking, 'it's got to better everywhere else.' If you think that, find someplace else then.
The rest of the world doesn't stay open 24/7. You cannot just waltz out onto a street and find a party at 3am, even in NYC. You got to know where to go. Those places that exist for this kind of lifestyle aren't going to fall into your lap either.
A few people have piped in elsewhere that this 24/7 utopian party expectation in some cities is a myth perpetrated by tourist guidebooks. I tend to agree.
I grew up in Boston during the 70s. I had a BLAST! I never had a problem getting around, going to clubs, getting let in (at 14!), being hagdog and morose about not having a place to go after 1am, or getting home (to the inner burbs, no less) before the sun came up, all without a car (and without ever getting caught!).
Get off your asses. Stop being lazy. Be engaged with the party that surrounds you. Get out there. Find them. They exist. They won't just land in your lap. Oh, and it's not better in NYC. Or LA.
Certainly not in SF. People here pick a place to go and, if it sucks...they go home! WTF? The art of club hopping doesn't seem to exsist here.