BU Development Thread

BU needs to clean the limestone facade of the Theology and CAS buildings. The LAW expansion facade will be limestone - this would be a good opportunity to do that.
Not a very appealing picture of BU. At least the Law Tower will be cleaned etc. during the renovations.

I thought they cleaned the "Gothic block" when they replaced the windows?
A respectful renovation of the future admissions center. A good building has been made better.
The Admissions Center is a fantastic renovation - this turned out so much better than the renderings suggested.

The LAW expansion building limestone facade is also a nice compliment to the existing brutalist buildings as well as the limestone Theology building. The massing is near perfect, which was a challenge given the odd proportions of this addition. Well done!
Good contextual architecture for BU, somewhat impressed.

Where's Tommy's new Urban Institute going to be located?

When I heard one of his Fin de siècle interviews recently -- he seemed to be taking the BU Sinecure seriously as if they expected him to work
BU seems finally to have moved beyond the Dark Ages of the Silber era. Give him credit for campus expansion but not at all unhappy to see his knee-jerk historicism get the boot.
^ Seriously, I knew the space was always going to be a squeeze but boy they certainly didn't shy away from bulking up as much as much as was absolutely possible.
Center for Integrated Life Sciences - this will replace a surface parking lot adjacent to Morse Auditorium. Payette Associates of Boston is the architecture firm designing the 7 story building:

Concept --
^^That parking lot is relatively bad but I still want them to build on the Kenmore-fronting lot and the lot opposite Warren Towers first. Those two lots absolutely trash the urban environment in very prominent parts of campus. While this lot is pretty bad, compared to the other two it's merely a moderate-sized gap between a busy auditorium building and decently used lawn.
The old BK site is already in the IMP. The Life Sciences is an amendment to that IMP.
Why isn't BU getting out of the parking business anyway? Do they really need the relatively small amount of income that badly? I would hope BU would try to beautify its campus a little bit. Put "temporary" parks or quads in the parking lots, I don't even care if they become permanent. The parking lots permanently and uselessly scarring the urban landscape are a fucking disgrace.

EDIT: Saw your post, but still, it's veeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrry late to be starting the process, and the lots should have been filled decades ago.
