Cambridge Infill and Small Developments

Yack. Is that brick wallpaper? I guess they were going for an industrial loft look but this really flops. All they had to do was take some inspiration from the far left building in the 2nd photo.
Add a cornice at the top of the brick, and set the alucobond floor back enough to give the units there balconies above the cornice.

The blank party walls looming over the Helmand and friends scare me. I expect the developer would really like to finish the block with more of the same crap.
Sorry, the clip should jump to the old New England Brickmaster ad.

Just a commentary on how cheap the brickwork looks.
I don't know if this building has its own thread (couldn't find one using the search) but this is from the Pfizer campus expansion project:




Builders up affordable units to 20 percent of Central Square’s proposed Mass+Main

The principals behind the Mass+Main building want their own special zoning, though, to build taller than current zoning allows – up to 195 feet on Massachusetts Avenue, replacing lab and parking space for Quest Diagnostics next to Jill Brown-Rhone Park – and have found over the course of 15-plus public meetings “that affordable housing was critical,” according to a letter sent Friday.
Can you explain more what you mean? I might be the only one, but I'm unclear what you're saying about cynicism.
We'll have to wait and see but to me it seems like a cynical attempt to kill the project a la Forrest City tower next to the fire station that was killed.
If remembering correctly a 14 floor tower (maybe mostly or even all subsidized units) was proposed for the small park next to the fire house. Activists had been screaming and frothing for low income housing and instead of welcoming this they threw a monumental hissy fit and said it was insulting to propose something so tall on a rare bit of precious open space (which happens to be right next to another park and right across the street from yet another one.) So the project was cancelled and it was a lose/lose for everyone.
I love it. Well the waterfall effect anyway, which is what I saw first upon looking at the above picture.
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The "waterfall" doesn't look like what I expected it to, but it is still interesting. The rest of the building is sorely bland, though. Look at any other side and its just disgusting.
The "waterfall" doesn't look like what I expected it to, but it is still interesting. The rest of the building is sorely bland, though. Look at any other side and its just disgusting.


EF Building = Pig
Waterfall Gimmick = Lipstick
Yeah, it's a 128 office park building. Pretty horrible. The one thing that's good is when you're right there it doesn't seem so bad because the waterfall is so prominent and there is a bar inside.
