Does that mean Gourmet Deli is coming back??!!
I wish .. I loved those guys.
This project has gone into reverse. A foundation was partially dug and then no work for months. The foundation has now been filled back in. Anyone know anything?
I don't have details but I read that there was a change of developers. Right now this lot is truly the bane of my walks down Mass Ave, especially now that it's sunny out and this is the shady side of the street.
MIT has released more details for their property in Kendall.
Come now, it's not much worse than the two adjacent parking lots...
Presentation is here with many more images if someone has the time......
Is the pile of kayaks there to show access to boating on the Broad Canal?
This is the site behind One Broadway, correct? I thought this was privately owned and there was tower planned for the site (which has the same address, also One Broadway) - MIT actually owns this?
I am pretty sure MIT owns One Broadway as well. Or, to be more precise, I am pretty sure MIT owns land under One Broadway but not sure about building itself.
The planning team has been focused on increasing the vitality of the Kendall/east campus area, by incorporating the diverse uses that have been recommended by all sectors of the MIT and Cambridge communities — housing, connected open spaces, retail, innovation space, childcare, and commercial space. The plan also identifies a prominent location for the MIT Museum and assures the incorporation of elements that reflect the essence of MIT in the gateway area.
The site plan below shows the proposed uses for the various parcels. Details regarding precise configurations, square footage, height, and number of housing units are still being examined as the design process proceeds, and will be shared at a community meeting when available. The plan will reflect the approved zoning for the district, and we believe this plan will serve to propel the area towards the objective of creating a vibrant mixed-used center with a captivating gateway to the MIT campus while preserving capacity for future academic uses.
other Headline is that the so-called Site 5 will be [a/the] home of the MIT Museum -- if it is the home -- then what of the current home on Mass Ave?
No specifics yet, but the standard rumor is that most of the remaining low-rise blocks on Mass Ave south of Sidney will eventually be redeveloped, either by MIT or by the biotech conglomerates. Not sure if the museum building itself is going anywhere, as they just built some new lab space on the upper floors a few years ago. This tech article, in addition to mentioning the museum relocation, also has an interesting gem about re-purposing the Metropolitan Storage Warehouse at Mass/Vassar.