Cambridge Infill and Small Developments

New condo complex going up at corner of Bay State Rd. and Birch St. across from the Armory. And going up fast. Took one month flat to demolish these two rickety buildings that used to house businesses and pour the new foundations. First-floor beams went up Monday, and the really big-ass crane showed up today so they're starting to go vertical.

When that's done every structure from the corner of New St./Fresh Pond Pkwy./Bay State to corner of Field and Fern on that side is going to alternate residential/office. And there's a For Lease sign on the vacant factory building next to the old auto parts store that just got converted into a charter school. So I bet that's the next property to get razed on that street for residential.

Odd little mix that's wormed its way onto that street the last few years. When I moved into that neighborhood next to Danehy 7 years ago it was nothing but commercial/industrial from the rotary to Fern St. Now it's flipped almost half-and-half.

That auto parts location keeps getting turn into fitness gyms which go bust. I think I remember about 2-3 fitness clubs going in there. There was one with a blue and orange sign, another one that kept sending flyers in my mail box, and lastly I think was evolve.. I always felt like that part of Garden street needed wider sidewalks. You go down there and walk around a telephone pole and it feels like you're going to get side-swiped by a big rig.

The Factory used to be 3M, no?

Personally I'm waiting to see if something could be done on the plot of land across that junction at New Street. Where there's just the power substation. I always thought they could put some nice high density office building there, the ugly power substation could be shifted below ground in a basement utility installation. Put something on the vacate land to the rear of that where the old wooden coal loft used to be and go from there. It could be real pretty with the pond there for some establishment.
Okay, not Cambridge, it's Somerville, but... what's being built just off the Lowell St bridge? Between the path extension and the Lowell Line?
That auto parts location keeps getting turn into fitness gyms which go bust. I think I remember about 2-3 fitness clubs going in there. There was one with a blue and orange sign, another one that kept sending flyers in my mail box, and lastly I think was evolve.. I always felt like that part of Garden street needed wider sidewalks. You go down there and walk around a telephone pole and it feels like you're going to get side-swiped by a big rig.

The Factory used to be 3M, no?

Personally I'm waiting to see if something could be done on the plot of land across that junction at New Street. Where there's just the power substation. I always thought they could put some nice high density office building there, the ugly power substation could be shifted below ground in a basement utility installation. Put something on the vacate land to the rear of that where the old wooden coal loft used to be and go from there. It could be real pretty with the pond there for some establishment.'s done. 2nd half of the building arrived in the Mall parking lot yesterday. I watched them up hoist the last piece of the 3rd floor at about 2:00 today. Now they're bolting the 3rd floor together and about to put on 3 small roof sections. They should be out of there at quitting time 5:00 sharp with a finished building on that corner.

That factory was 3M a couple owners ago. They were renting it to fly-by-night outfits the last couple years, now it's vacant and the auto reseller around the corner parks some of their used cars for sale in the driveway.

The power substation's still active, and in fact got expanded about a year ago with a bunch of new equipment. That whole neighborhood is overhead lines so I doubt they'd consider anything underground. The fenced-in lot it abuts is a construction company that does state road jobs. Very busy place. About 7:00am when they hit the road for the day it's heavy equipment left and right stopping by that yard to load up. They must be working on something big because they plopped in a couple porta- office trailers about a month ago.

Evolve Fitness is next to the park...seems to be doing pretty decent business in the early A.M. The couple restaurants that opened on New St. were instant failures, though. Business at Bonny's seems to be booming, though, with the neighborhood turning more residential.

I walk New St. every morning en route from a jog around Fresh Pond to Danehy Park. It is an awful walk. Nobody obeys the yield sign onto the rotary when traffic is light, there is of course no sidewalk on one side, and the short slab of asphalt "sidewalk" has parked cars all over it. When the movie theater isn't open New + Mall parking lot is the expressway around the rotaries. Ever since the cul de sac at the Mall entrance was turned into a construction zone for the new condos (and has stayed a gravel pile since) Cambridge PD stopped ticketing the speeders on New. It's terrifying especially in the morning when those speeders doing 45+ are all tow trucks, UPS trucks, and construction equipment. I can't believe they have let the access to the backside of Danehy stay this dangerous this long. So many young children have to make the treacherous walk down New to get there...or worse, play chicken on the Mall expressway to get from Rindge Ave. and Alewife to Danehy.

What I hope is that when the final paperwork gets processed on the ongoing Watertown Branch RR abandonment proceedings that the city expedites trailing over the Parkway-Danehy segment behind New St. as a paved, lit path. At least so all the schoolchildren don't become roadkill trying to get to soccer practice. There are the plans to do the Fresh Pond-Watertown trail leg, but I haven't heard anything about the stretch curling behind New St. On safety reasons alone that ought to be a priority.

Speaking of Fresh Pond-ish area doings, the gas station on the corner of Concord Ave. and Wheeler St. at the rotary was razed. Whatever's going there and on the adjacent parking lot that's also been ripped up looks like it'll be big (more condos to make Wheeler wall-to-wall residential?).
From UHub:
Soon the sterilization of Harvard Square could be complete: Patio tables and mood lighting proposed for the Pit

By adamg - 5/24/12 - 7:39 am
The Crimson reports on some ambitious plans for the land in front of Au Bon Pain: A complete overhaul of the Pit that would feature patio tables and chairs, stadium seating around it, LED floor lights and a giant flat-screen TV. Bonus: The plan would turn the Out of Town News kiosk into "a glass-walled information center with interactive features."

The Crimson article also gives the most detailed and comprehensive overview of the jobs-making holes they keep digging and filling up in the area.
From UHub:

The Crimson article also gives the most detailed and comprehensive overview of the jobs-making holes they keep digging and filling up in the area.

I've noticed now that for the last couple of years I've subconsciously been walking around the Square to avoid ever having to walk through it. Either from Garden on the back streets behind Sheraton Commander to Brattle and Mt. Auburn, or Cambridge Common through Harvard Yard to the last gate in front of Harvard Book Store (which is one of the few places--still being indie-owned--that I bother shopping at there). And I never used to do that, but the crowds have become downright oppressive the last couple of years...tracking with the great sterilization of the area.

The pushy survey folks with clipboards and a douche-witty quip*...the street performers and people selling trinkets on blankets...the protesters...the pamphleteers...the characters and panhandlers. They all seem more aggressive than they were a few years ago. You can look at the ground and motion your hands in "Not interested." fashion while plowing through the gauntlet and are more likely than years past to get your path physically blocked by someone pitching some spectrum of product (be it charity, message, or...product). It almost has the feel of reality TV reaching for an ever coarser lower denominator with each successive season. But it kinda makes sense that way. All the authenticity's been beaten out of the place by force, so they're all just playing two-dimensional characters now. Like...everyone gets in-costume at the start of another tourist-and-students filled day, somebody says "Action!" at X:00am, and they all snap into the role. Even downtown, which gentrified way earlier, doesn't have nearly the creepy air of artifice that Harvard Sq.'s local color does. It feels downright refreshing to get to Central where things really haven't changed too much in 10 years, the din is a little more free-form and unpredictable, can walk through in peace without getting accosted by walking adspam. Even the panhandler interactions are more a routine "'Morning, Sam / 'Morning, Ralph" type transaction vs. the "Look at me! I have a witty catchphrase so give me money!" obstacle course upstream.

I dunno...maybe it's just from living in that area too long and having to walk through there at least 5 out of 7 days a week. But it's gotten palpably unpleasant enough to start forcing me around the perimeter out of not wanting to deal with that gauntlet anymore. And there isn't a single other place in the city after 16 years of living here and 16 years more gentrification where I can say that.

(*There is nobody I hate being accosted by more than the MassPIRG douches with their snappy comebacks. They've been invading Porter Shopping Ctr. lately, and I swear one of these days I'm going to see one of them take an uppercut straight to the jaw for catching the wrong person on the wrong day.)
a new crane over the week end?
Might be the new one on the 'Binney Curve' in Kendall/East Cambridge

Yes it is the new building on the Binney Curve. I think it is being called #17 Cambridge Center.
As you can see the steel is going up very quickly. North end of the building is already up to the 4th floor. I took this photo this afternoon.

Great name. What next. Ring Around the Collar II? Skidmark IV?
Skidmark IV . . . I just found a new favorite band name
Thanks for these updates, crash and BeeLine. So much to keep an eye on right now!
Well, it's cheaper than efficiency MIT grad housing (at least the rent... maybe utilities + internet negates taht)
