Cambridge Infill and Small Developments

Who want's to live next to the motel where high school kids go to party and lose their virginity after prom?

Actually, the occupancy rate there is so low most of the vacancies get filled up by overflow from an area homeless shelter. The owners got in trouble recently for doing that under the table. They could probably find much better use for that property.

I *hate* that they're building so damn close to the side of the highway. They'll never be able to get rid of the curb cuts on 2 without a little breathing room to stick a grade separated frontage lane there. This thing's barely 1 lane width + shoulder from asphalt to front lobby. Is there any reason on earth they couldn't set it back 20 more feet on such a huge parcel???
should we start a Cambridge pixs of the day thread instead of posting them here?
It's nice to see something going in here, I used to live right near the intersection of 16 and Mass Ave. I assume this is going in where the decrepit old dump "Faces" was. Agree that it could be more units.
There is construction fencing around a site at the corner of Rogers and First Street in Cambridge next to Boca Grande and across from the new Calumet store. I've been told it is going to be a sizable apartment project. Anybody know anything about this?
There is construction fencing around a site at the corner of Rogers and First Street in Cambridge next to Boca Grande and across from the new Calumet store. I've been told it is going to be a sizable apartment project. Anybody know anything about this?

This is the only thing I could find (Cambridge Development Log):

Status -- Special Permit Granted
Address -- 159 First Street
Developer -- Urban Spaces
FAR -- 2.24
Lot Area -- 109,972
GFA -- 126,000
Units -- 115
Use -- Residential
Here's the site at First and Rogers:



And 150 Second:



Watermark II:


And the EF Education First headquarters:



150 looks quite nice. Those street numbers seem doomed to meet with vandalism in the future though.
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I am totally lost within this thread. I have no idea where any of these developments are.
The last three images are the southernmost development in the new North Point neighborhood.
Really? I thought it's EF's second building...

It is. It's an office building, and not being developed by the same people building the residential components of North Point. It's between the North Point Park and Leverett Loop Ramp.
150 Second wishes so badly it were a suburban office park with that stupid streetwall-killing landscaping square and monument to its address that was designed like it was meant to be seen from 128.
Pretty sure the developer was forced by Cambridge to put in the open space. Activists praised it as a welcome extension to the new two acre park diagonally across the street.
Not a very urban friendly design, must be the result of a direct or indirect community driven concession. I would think no rational developer would choose to carve out such a useless piece of open space at the expense of having additional leasable space.
