Cambridge Infill and Small Developments

It would be good if the could include the single story building next door. It would be harder to develop that site at a latter date.
It would be good if the could include the single story building next door. It would be harder to develop that site at a latter date.

Maybe not, but when the market forces keep pushing Cambridge to build up the Mass Ave corridor, some developer will find it worthwhile to do a skinny infill-type development there.

Who knows if the ME owners have the $$ to buy the adjacent property.
I'm happy to report I was wrong expecting no more major lab building in Cambridge except for Millenium's on Mass ave.
Apparently, construction is about to start on 450 Kendall St - across a plaza from Watermark II. The site is fenced off and construction equipment is supposed to arrive next week.
Here's the only link I could find about this development:


Also, a good news from nearby 650 East Kendall St, which has been empty since it's completion 4-5 years ago:
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Another set of infuriating lane closures on 2E yesterday while they were doing the curb cuts on this turd. It's got a complete front-door kiss and ride, front parking spaces, 2 narrow curb cuts straight into the jaws of speeding traffic death, and pieces back together the sidewalk. As if 2E were totally indistinguishable from Rindge Ave.

Did the developers call a meeting with MassHighway strictly to spit in their faces and make them say, "Thank you sir, may I have another!" Because spiteful mockery of someone with low self-esteem is the first thing that came to mind while crawling in the left lane past the traffic cops while crews installed the granite curbing around that kiss-and-ride.
Over the last two week all of the utilities have been cut to the buildings. It looks like interior demolition has been taking place at the Volvo building.

Two large excavators have been parked at the site the last couple of days.
Ugh, they're killing us with anticipation for this waterfall of glass!
They totally should have upzoned WaterMark II. It should be 10-15 stories taller.

I don't think its been acknowledged here before - the new rectangular ground-level glass atrium on the 'flatiron' between broadway and main is an exceptionally positive streetwall upgrade, a great example of a small-scale urban design intervention with a big impact
http:// Not sure if this is the mockup for 22 Water Street. It is located near the Lechmere parking lot at NorthPoint.
