Cape Cod Rail, Bridges and Highways

While it is certainly more aesthetically pleasing, the suicide fencing on the existing bridge looks like a more effective barrier than depicted on this render.
This is bait.

So you are OK spending a bill+ so Karen can get home from her beach house slightly easier? Cuz that's what this is really about.

I'm sure there are plenty of projects that could be done with this money that will have a lasting value long after the Boomers are dead.
So you are OK spending a bill+ so Karen can get home from her beach house slightly easier? Cuz that's what this is really about.

I'm sure there are plenty of projects that could be done with this money that will have a lasting value long after the Boomers are dead.
This is just like a couple months ago when you flung out a totally vibes-based assertion that the Cape is de-populating into a ghost town and was unworthy of the investment, then did a cut-and-run when the evidence piled up against that. You have a chronic habit on this board of flinging out utter bullshit made-up facts, then changing the subject or running for the hills when called out on it, then coming back after the heat is down to repeat the same bullshit. Don't think for one second we aren't onto such a disingenuous posting pattern.

Either you start substantiating these whopper claims with something real, or it's just trollbait.
This is just like a couple months ago when you flung out a totally vibes-based assertion that the Cape is de-populating into a ghost town and was unworthy of the investment, then did a cut-and-run when the evidence piled up against that. You have a chronic habit on this board of flinging out utter bullshit made-up facts, then changing the subject or running for the hills when called out on it, then coming back after the heat is down to repeat the same bullshit. Don't think for one second we aren't onto such a disingenuous posting pattern.

Either you start substantiating these whopper claims with something real, or it's just trollbait.

Everything you said here is true.

Even so, while the Cape isn’t depopulating, it’s important to note that it has the highest median age of any county in the northeast (55). With relatively few people under the age of 35 residing on the Cape, and more residents over 80 than under 10, its population will only be sustained if Millenials move there as they reach middle age and older.
