These people are lucky to have you around to tell them how lame they are...Seriously, Underground, when does Lawrence Welk and his Orchestra play the next Boston Calling?
Originally Posted by underground:
Yeah, looks at those assholes enjoying themselves. WHO DO THEY THING THEY"RE KIDDING!!!!!111!!!11!11
Huh? "Enjoying themselves"??????
Did you even LOOK at that picture?
I've seen livelier atmospheres in front of elevators in nursing homes.
Seriously, Underground, when does Lawrence Welk and his Orchestra play the next Boston Calling?
That picture does not say "Good urban planning to enliven a large central space".
No, that picture says "More people need long-term care insurance".
These people are lucky to have you around to tell them how lame they are...
People went to watch soccer on that tiny screen?
Did anyone else watch the game on the Plaza last night? Events like this are when CHP truly shines as a public space. It was packed solid.
It looks fun, but I have to say, CHP isn't "shining as an urban space" here. It's shining as a big, empty space with a power hookup.
Whomever named the style of building which is Boston City Hall, "Brutalist" architecture, got it exactly right. It looks like a big brute, alright. I vote we tear it down, then it will be known as "minimalist" architecture. (as in:GONE)