City Hall Plaza

The ironic thing about that photo is that the fountain no longer exists and Menino had the whole thing filled in with concrete.
hold on- I thought the main problem of City hall plaza was the "City hall Building"......
Nope. City Hall is generally fine (although putting some more windows and doors at the lower levels would be nice.) The plaza itself is the big disaster. (And the lack of active uses around it.)
The building itself isn't terrible. It's actually kind of neat. But flattening a whole neighborhood for a brick, windswept plaza was unforgivable. I would like to see development reclaim part of the plaza, particularly the area by the lowrise section of the JFK building. Maybe they could also build something fronting Cambridge Street.
This might not be a functionally lousy building for Des Moines or perhaps even Boise or Salt Lake City. The building might pass for some public business.... it's absolutely terrible for public meetings. The meeting rooms are obtuse, cold and clammy. Overall, it's not close to the standard of the stature, size, importance, or historical and cultural relevance of Boston. Add that the City is growing in SO many aspects. The building just isn't prepared for the future. We need a much better building.
Picnic tables are back out as of yesterday morning, though not set up in the typical "lawn" spot over near the Was Museum. Looks like there's a tent setup there.
^Heck yes. I'm thrilled about the beer garden, my girlfriend is thrilled about Wag Wednesdays.
paging Brut;

i wonder if City Hall Plaza, State Service Ctr or even the JFK office plaza were to get a re-do with something that played loosely with brutalism. Do you think the (Euro Bank in Frankfort below) is attempting something like that?

The lone tower at dusk might show its possible Brutalist influence....

w/ Boston's crowded Downtown you'd never get that, of course.

Interesting bldg, in any case.

i wonder if Brut likes it.

