Columbus Center: RIP | Back Bay

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Re: Columbus Center

. . . you assured us no foundation work has been started . . .

I quoted lawyers for the developer and the Turnpike, who carefully specified that there was not any actual ?foundation work? but only ?site preparation and pre-construction activity? (because permission to build the tunnels that form the foundation of the project was never granted).

. . . you also promise us that the last of it is now being removed. . .

No. I ?promised? nothing at all. I quoted a newspaper, where anything stuck in the ground is considered ?foundation.? The developers did try to start some of the foundation that they were not permitted to build, so the newspaper reported correctly.

Ideally, the editor would have used the occasion of publishing this photo to disclose some of the more interesting history:

? why permission to start tunnels was never granted;
? why tunnel design quality control approvals were never issued;
? why former owners spent their own money from October 2007 through March 2008;
? why current owners, subsidies, and banks paid for none of that work;
? why 6 months of ?site preparation and pre-construction activity? accomplished nothing.

Future coverage might go into these angles.
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Re: Columbus Center

Looks like foundation to me. I mean why else would they stick the steel into the ground? Legal or not, the purpose of the steel is to set the foundation and that's what it is IMO.
Re: Columbus Center

Ned's picture would look good in that Hancock photo thread.
Re: Columbus Center

. . . Looks like foundation to me. . . Legal or not, the purpose of the steel is to set the foundation and that's what it is IMO.

The developer?s and Turnpike?s lawyers still insist that no foundation started, because the tunnel designs weren?t approved, the performance bonds weren?t bought, the lease wasn?t amended, and tunnel construction wasn?t permitted.

But, yes, the steel appears to be a start of a foundation.

So it seems that some of the work done October 2007 - March 2008 was illicit.
Re: Columbus Center

. . . it only takes a little extra time to do the small favor I am requesting so that I can learn! . . .

No._ You?re either insincere, or else ignorant of the resources required to obtain, authenticate, organize, scan, index, and store 16,000 government pages created over a 14-year period in any useful fashion._ Most likely (based on recent messages), you are both insincere and ignorant._ In any case, you?ll learn nothing by having others do your proposed project for you._ No one else at sees any value in it, and no one has offered to help you._ So either do it yourself, or give it up._ Either way, stop asking others to it for you.
Re: Columbus Center

Ned's picture would look good in that Hancock photo thread.

Pretty good Clarendon shot too. Look at you Ned. While fighting your windmill you could also be contributing considerably to other threads. 2 birds killed with one stone, or we could just wait for the UFP's to kill them....
Re: Columbus Center

No._ You?re either insincere, or else ignorant of the resources required to obtain, authenticate, organize, scan, index, and store 16,000 government pages created over a 14-year period in any useful fashion._ Most likely (based on recent messages), you are both insincere and ignorant._ In any case, you?ll learn nothing by having others do your proposed project for you._ No one else at sees any value in it, and no one has offered to help you._ So either do it yourself, or give it up._ Either way, stop asking others to it for you.

That's called being a manager, or being Homer Simpson Garbage czar "Can't somebody else do it?"

Actually scanning multiple documents in an office environment has gotten to be as easy as operating a copy machine. They will now feed and scan as quickly as making copies. How about you send me a USPS package of the report. I'll pay for the postage. I have a large copier scanner, and get in early every day. Together we can make this happen.

I don't really want to read 16,000 pages, but I'm also sick of hearing about it and being told to read it. I'm sure many here would like to at least be able to peruse it and verify some of the facts that you state. I don't think we doubt them, but we cannot corroborate the information.
Re: Columbus Center

No._ You’re either insincere, or else ignorant of the resources required to obtain, authenticate, organize, scan, index, and store 16,000 government pages created over a 14-year period in any useful fashion._ Most likely (based on recent messages), you are both insincere and ignorant._ In any case, you’ll learn nothing by having others do your proposed project for you._ No one else at sees any value in it, and no one has offered to help you._ So either do it yourself, or give it up._ Either way, stop asking others to it for you.

I can't do it myself, as I don't have the public records. How many times do I have to drill this into your thick head?
Re: Columbus Center

. . . Actually scanning multiple documents in an office environment has gotten to be as easy as operating a copy machine . . . I have a large copier scanner, and get in early every day. Together we can make this happen . . .

Scope and scale ? Yes, but don?t lose sight of the entire project that you are proposing.

1. Obtain 16,000 original pages from government custodians and authors.
2. Build a search-able index of the 16,000 pages by date, author, title, and contents.
3. Add the title, author, date, and new logical page number to each page.
4. Scan each page.
5. Store each page.
6. Develop, test, and document the procedure to find and retrieve pages via the index built during step 2.

Project management ? Seamus McFly wants to start step 4, and Barbaric Manchurian wants to start step 5, but no volunteers have finished steps 1, 2, and 3 yet._ And all of the first 5 steps are pointless without step 6, which also has no volunteers._ On any project, you have to have all of the resources for all of the tasks in place at the outset, or risk failure._ Columbus Center is a perfect example, and proves that you should never start until you have everything you need.

Schedule ? Over the last 14 years, at least 9 competing owners have lain some claim to the future profits imagined from this proposal._ Lawsuits among those partners have been threatened, but none have been filed yet._ Also, the public hearings that would have to precede the City and state re-approval processes aren?t even scheduled (?Pike will pay to clean up building site?, Boston Globe, 18 August 2009)._ So, with 14 years already gone, and several more years for lawsuits, then several years to repeat the public proposal-and-review process, then several years for financing, and 5 - 15 years for construction (which is the developers? latest request), that means that completing parcels 16-19 could be a 38-year effort ? 1996 through 2034 ? regardless of what?s built, or who builds it.

To be successful, your proposed records-publishing project needs to accommodate that potential 38-year time line._ An incomplete library is of no use to anyone.

Finally, multi-decade publishing projects like yours also need permanent coordinators, not just to answer user questions, fix mistakes, and respond to criticisms, but also to train and manage the temporary student volunteers doing the grunt work, because there?s a fresh crop of them every semester.

. . . I don't really want to read 16,000 pages, but . . . I'm sure many here would like to at least be able to peruse it and verify some of the facts that you state.

Yes, of course they do, but it?s a slippery slope between the ?reading? that you?re sure you don?t want to do and the ?perusing? that you think you might want to do._ There?s no such thing as reading ?just one? page or ?just one? document about this proposal, because most documents refer to or incorporate other documents._ This whole spaghetti ball has few boundaries, and it doesn?t respect the limits that busy readers want to set.

. . . some of the facts that you state. I don't think we doubt them, but we cannot corroborate the information.

Yes, you can._ All of the sources that I cited can be corroborated by anyone, using the title, author, and date.

No, it is not easy, and no, it is not quick, and it certainly can?t be done by a couple of students over a weekend of pizza._ It takes money, time, and dedication in amounts that no one else has ever been willing to donate._ That?s understandable; having done more research on Columbus Center than anyone else here, even I am not willing to expand my current commitments._ But every public record is available to anyone who wants to corroborate anything.
Re: Columbus Center

I can't do it myself, as I don't have the public records. . .

That?s correct._ You never did collect the public records that you say you want to publish._ So if you want to pursue your proposed project, then step #1 is for you to get those records, from the authors, and from the government custodians who guarantee the authenticity._ Don?t collect unauthenticated documents from third parties, because then you can not prove that they are complete, or that they are genuine, or that the government stands behind them.

Your school?s curriculum teaches how to do a work plan that allocates the tasks, people, facilities, time, and money that are needed to make a project succeed._ See post #2013 above._ Be careful you don?t jump into any project without such a plan._ (Columbus Center?s managers made that mistake, and they lost $110 million.)
Re: Columbus Center

That?s correct._ You never did collect the public records that you say you want to publish._ So if you want to pursue your proposed project, then step #1 is for you to get those records, from the authors, and from the government custodians who guarantee the authenticity._ Don?t collect unauthenticated documents from third parties, because then you can not prove that they are complete, or that they are genuine, or that the government stands behind them.

So you are saying that your 16,000 page public record that you look into are not complete, genuine, or that the government stands behind them? Interesting...
Re: Columbus Center

That’s correct._ You never did collect the public records that you say you want to publish._ So if you want to pursue your proposed project, then step #1 is for you to get those records, from the authors, and from the government custodians who guarantee the authenticity._ Don’t collect unauthenticated documents from third parties, because then you can not prove that they are complete, or that they are genuine, or that the government stands behind them.

Your school’s curriculum teaches how to do a work plan that allocates the tasks, people, facilities, time, and money that are needed to make a project succeed._ See post #2013 above._ Be careful you don’t jump into any project without such a plan._ (Columbus Center’s managers made that mistake, and they lost $110 million.)

Sure, I'm really going to go to the dozens of disparate places where the documents are stored, with most giving access only if you're a resident of the City of Boston and/or by appointment only. :rolleyes:
Re: Columbus Center


You claim to have the documents and suggest that we read them, but you do not have the will to make them easily accessible? Others have offered to handle scanning the pages and putting them online yet you refuse to be helpful. You can sit there and make excuses as to why, but in my opinion you have lost all credibility.
Re: Columbus Center


You claim to have the documents and suggest that we read them, but you do not have the will to make them easily accessible? Others have offered to handle scanning the pages and putting them online yet you refuse to be helpful. You can sit there and make excuses as to why, but in my opinion you have lost all credibility.

I think that what Ned is trying to say is that is that if he scans the records himself, and any one of you folks sees something in them that you don't like, then you'll all be accusing Ned of altering them. The only way to assure that no one can accuse anybody of altering anything is to get them yourselves from the same sources Ned got them from.

I don't blame Ned for his concerns, seeing how everyone jumps all over him every time he makes a post.
Re: Columbus Center

^^he could just tell what he has altered, then. It's not like he's extremely untrustworthy, just we want to see some proof to back up some of his more extreme statements.
Re: Columbus Center

I think that what Ned is trying to say is that is that if he scans the records himself, and any one of you folks sees something in them that you don't like, then you'll all be accusing Ned of altering them. The only way to assure that no one can accuse anybody of altering anything is to get them yourselves from the same sources Ned got them from.

I don't blame Ned for his concerns, seeing how everyone jumps all over him every time he makes a post.


So better to just ask everyone to take his word for it without the records? I'm sorry, but that doesn't make sense. Quoting from records that only he possesses is asking for more trust than quoting from records that are easily available to everyone.

If Ned refuses to share the records then I don't see how he can expect to be taken seriously. He no longer has any credibility.
Re: Columbus Center

So you are saying that your 16,000 page public record that you look into are not complete, genuine, or that the government stands behind them?

No, I never said that at all._ Your proposed project is evidence-dependent, and evidence must be complete, genuine, and government-backed._ So you have to get all your evidence, yourself, from each original author or government records custodian._ Collecting partial records from third parties does not produce evidence, and results obtained that way can?t be used as evidence.

. . . places where the documents are stored, with most giving access only if you're a resident of the City of Boston and/or by appointment only. . .

What you believe is not true._ You are ignorant about public records in general, and you are ignorant of both of the public records laws._ Neither law requires that a requestor be a ?Boston resident? as you wrote, and neither law requires that a request be handled ?by appointment only? as you wrote.

If you skip any of these 10 steps, then your project will fail.

1. Learn the public records laws.
2. Create a realistic work plan.
3. Obtain 16,000 original pages from authors or government records custodians.
4. Understand the significance of each page, and cross-reference it to related pages.
5. Add the title, author, date, and new logical page number to each page.
6. Build a professional index search-able by date, author, title, content, and page.
7. Scan each page.
8. Proofread each page and fix each incorrect text character.
9. Store each scanned page in the repository, and log each page in the index.
10. Test the procedure to find and retrieve pages via the index.

. . . You . . . have the documents and suggest that we read them, but you do not have the will to make them easily accessible? . . .

I do have 16,000 pages of public records, and I do recommend that people unfamiliar with this proposal get the same pages that I cited, and read them._ But making them ?easily accessible? as you wrote requires doing each of the 10 steps above._ And doing that much work, for an unknown number of years, for an unappreciative audience, for free, is pointless._ That?s why I am not willing to do it, and that?s why no one else here is willing to do it.

. . . Others have offered to handle scanning the pages and putting them online yet you refuse to be helpful. . .

You do not understand the project that you are proposing._ Just ?scanning pages? (step 7) and just ?putting them online? (step 8) is useless if you don?t first finish steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

You mistakenly think that being ?on-line? and being ?accessible? are the same thing._ They are not.

If Barbaric Manchurian, Kent Xie, Seamus McFly, and Justin each post 4,000 pages on-line with no professionally prepared index, then those 16,000 pages are just as inaccessible on-line as they were off-line, because users:

? do not know the significance of what they are looking at;
? can not tell which records are available vs. unavailable;
? can not connect related records to each other; and
? can not find what they need.

I?s clear from the posts that forum members don?t read or recall what?s in the thread?s 203 pages now, so if they can?t do that then they surely won?t absorb an additional 15,797 un-indexed pages.

You can?t blame your project?s failure on my decision not to help you, because none of the 10 tasks depend upon me to get done._ With enough money, facilities, time, skill, and dedication, anyone (with a realistic work plan) can do them.

So, if you believe that your proposed project is worthy, then just do it yourself._ And, if you believe your approach could succeed, then do a 1,000-page test to prove your theory._ But if you keep skipping steps 1 through 6, and keep proposing to start at step 7, then no knowledgeable professional will waste their own resources by donating to such an ill-defined, mis-understood effort, and you will have to provide the funds, facilities, and staffing all by yourself.

. . . I think that what Ned is trying to say is that is that if he scans the records himself . . . then you'll all be accusing Ned of altering them.

No._ That?s not what I?m trying to say.

. . . just we want to see some proof to back up some of his more extreme statements.

The information I post comes from the public records that I cite._ If people who are new to the project feel that any information sounds ?extreme? then they should go get whatever records they doubt, decide for themselves, and post whatever they think is relevant.

But even after 2 years, no one has done that, and no one is willing to.
Re: Columbus Center

I do have 16,000 pages of public records, and I do recommend that people unfamiliar with this proposal get the same pages that I cited, and read them._ But making them ?easily accessible? as you wrote requires doing each of the 10 steps above._ And doing that much work, for an unknown number of years, for an unappreciative audience, for free, is pointless._ That?s why I am not willing to do it, and that?s why no one else here is willing to do it.

Then posting here in general is pointless. If you aren't here to do anything but make unsubstantiated statements and diatribes, without providing the material to back it up, please leave the site, as you are not helping or benefiting anyone.
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