Continuum | Barry's Corner | Allston

Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

Rename it? That's silly. They don't like it because "Barry's Corner" is named after "no one"? Is that even true?
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

It's mostly just the one guy who made the petition. Surprised it even made the paper.
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

Some people have too much time on their hands...
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

How about "Harry's Corner" named after the illustrious Harry Mattison (or whatever his name is).
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

I've always thought Barrys Corner was a stupid name. HOWEVER, its been on maps going back over a hundred years. When William Dawes rode to Harvard and onto Lexington and Concord, he went through Barrys Corner. There used to be a neighborhood there with that name, etc, etc.

And Allston Square is far, far worse. Just keep it, if a new name arises it should be organic (like the evolution of that side of the Pike to "L.A."). I wish petitioners were required to also carry an anti-petition. Because thatI would sign...

Also, I can't wait for this project to break ground. I hope Sameuls is looking at the area with the same furvor as Fenway. With any luck, it may help get the retail spaces at Charlesview leased too.
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

It was called Barry's Corner when Dawes rode through it?
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

Does anyone know what Harvard would do with the Barry's Corner parcel if they could buy it?
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

I'm just shocked that nobody has tried to insert an Obama joke in this thread.

"Hrmphf...Barry's Corner...Guess that Dear Leader is dedicating another monument to himself...And in Allston nonetheless."
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

I would be fine with a name change as long as the new name keeps the word 'Corner' and doesn't have 'Allston' in it.
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

Square would be more appropriate. Barry Square? Dawes Square?
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

I recommend Washington Square, for Washington Allston.

Although, Harry's Corner works too.
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

I know he didn't frequent that side of Allston, but how about calling it Butch's Corner in honor of Mr. Butch, the former "Mayor of Allston."
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

Does anyone know what Harvard would do with the Barry's Corner parcel if they could buy it?
What parcel are we talking about?

Harvard owned the Samuels parcel. It now owns the Charlesview parcel across N. Harvard St. from the Samuels project, and it intends to demolish the now vacant apartments there. On the SE corner, Harvard owns must of it except an occupied three decker and the building next to it on Western Ave.

One or two of the properties Harvard bought over the years on the SE corner was bought, IIRC, by a fictional entity, Keystone Block LLC. Which probably conveys Harvard's view that the SE corner parcel is critical to full development of Barry's Corner. The three decker owner probably doesn't want to sell, or is only willing to sell at an exorbitant price.

Most of tHe SW corner of Barry's Corner is owned by Harvard, see the recently renovated former telephone company garage/warehouse. However, the gas station and the Dunkin Donuts? land is not owned by Harvard.

It appears that demolition of the former Charlesview will start soon, and part of the area will be used for construction staging for the Samuels project, and the re-start of the science complex.

Initial preparatory work at the former Charlesview Apartments will commence this week [Dec 9] with the removal of individual unit fences. Work will continue next week with removal of the existing perimeter fence and installation of the construction fence and gates, as well as project signage. Full time security will remain in place at all times. Testing of interior areas, including mechanical rooms, and the exterior site will commence in January after the fence is installed.
Re: Barry's Corner Commons and renaming Barry's Corner

The lot surrounded by North Harvard, Spur and Western. It shows up as owned by Barry on the maps in the link on a previous post -!topic/AllstonBrighton2006/pJlXnddC9n8
That parcel is a gas station, and probably has been a gas station for decades. I don't recall ever seeing any indication that Harvard had interest in the parcel, and no interest in developing it. Across Spurr St from the gas station is the newly renovated garage/warehouse. That was originally to be the site for a Harvard art gallery and conservator space. That proposal was not embraced by Allstonites, so Harvard took its money and probably used it and a lot more to rebuild the Fogg.

My guess in time is that the gas station will be bought, and the parcel made into a pocket park replete with a statue of Barry, Harry, or Washington Allston.
