Education First (Phase III) | 10 North Point Blvd | Cambridge

I normally hate white on buildings but this looks like it has some depth and texture to the materials so I think it could turn out nice.
This is a lot like what Proto looked like before the glass went in, and that turned out okay.

I agree with everyone else this looks like a bunker. Hopefully the glass will make a huge difference somehow
The glass looks like it will be at least decent, but overall I have to agree with the crowd - this is horrific so far.
Is this thing like a data center or something similar? What happened to the trend of getting as much natural light as possible into the office space?
We are seeing the eschaton of misaligned windows, and it is a bloody one.

Also can someone please confirm that there is a blue film on the glass of the windows in the images where glass is visible? That shade of blue would take this building from ugly to knock-it-down-and-start-over.
I've seen this one multiple times in person, and it's looking awful. It would be much better (albeit boring and unoffensive) if it was just all glass. I don't understand the concrete with misaligned window slits look. It reminds me of this now demolished two-story Brutalist DEC building in Maynard.
Also can someone please confirm that there is a blue film on the glass of the windows in the images where glass is visible? That shade of blue would take this building from ugly to knock-it-down-and-start-over.

Confirmed. The glass has Nitto film on it for protection during shipping and from other trades on site.
