Fenway Infill and Small Developments


No, I am not thinking that is correct. It looks like the old McDonalds parking lot on Boylston.

No, I am not thinking that is correct. It looks like the old McDonalds parking lot on Boylston.

No its right, the building in the lower right that you see above the Fenway lights is the Fenway Triangle Trilogy the development in question is clearly past that on brookline ave so not the McDonalds lot. Also the McDonalds lot is no where near that far along. The only building that is that built up in the area is Longwood Center

No, I am not thinking that is correct. It looks like the old McDonalds parking lot on Boylston.

The steel you see is for Longwood Center which has topped out and is currently getting is glass installed.

The cranes are for 1345 Boylston, which is being built right now. It's going to contain a Target, ground floor retail, apartments and condos.

The old McDonalds lot is also under construction but is currently in the excavation phase. No concrete there as of this morning.
So I've determined that I friggin love the stupid blue paint job on the D'angelo building. It sums up the energy in this neighborhood so well.





Is the scaffolding up on Landmark because expansion's already started or is that just general maintenance?
Is the scaffolding up on Landmark because expansion's already started or is that just general maintenance?

I was about to ask the exact same question. I cannot imagine it is the expansion because they just proposed it a few weeks ago. Must be previously scheduled facade work.
I was about to ask the exact same question. I cannot imagine it is the expansion because they just proposed it a few weeks ago. Must be previously scheduled facade work.

That's exactly what it is. Just facade work. The expansion has yet to be approved by the BRA.
Yep. You can go back two pages and see the scaffolding was already up by mid-September.
For the first time in a long while Boston is booming on several fronts simultaneously:
1) DTX
2) Seaport Innovation District
3) North Station
4) Fenway / Longwood / Collegiate
5) East Boston waterfront
6) East Boston near Suffolk

of all the really major build-able areas [where you can build on a large scale] within Boston proper only the old Fid and Greenway is relatively quiet
Don't forget the South End!

I wouldn't consider the South End "booming" because there is only really one large-scale project right now: Ink Block. Compare that to Fenway which has three large-scale construction projects going on right now, plus four more in the works which will hopefully come online next year.
So I've determined that I friggin love the stupid blue paint job on the D'angelo building. It sums up the energy in this neighborhood so well.






My friend Meredeth Kasabian of Best Dressed Signs did that. Look around town and you can find more of her stuff.
