Fenway Infill and Small Developments

Nice picture. Where was this taken? Charlestown?

No. That's definitely the CSC Mother Church and Tower (the Sheraton Back Bay can also be seen way off to the right) and that parking garage all the way to the left is the one at BMC. I'd say it's gotta be somewhere in Dorchester.
The weird name is because Southie was originally part of Dorchester.
Muddy River restoration:






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The newly reclaimed and civilized areas on Van Ness:


And can I say Tasty Burger is awesome? Not only are their burgers great but I love how the place looks like it came straight from LA.

^I go there more than I care to admit. It's very good.
Lovely pictures as always, kz!
Hopefully when the Tasty Burger site is developed, they invite Tasty Burger back, pull the ground floor back from the sidewalk and keep that great outdoor eating area. There's a fantastic focus on patio seating in that area of the Fenway. The Yard House on Van Ness is another example. It gets so busy and hectic out there on that patio. The Fenway Triangle should help that foot traffic even more.
^I go there more than I care to admit. It's very good.
Lovely pictures as always, kz!

The last time I went there (slightly inebriated), I went to tie up my bike to one of those posts around the patio. It fell down, and thanks to the chains they all followed like a chain of noisy domino's. The seating area was packed too...
^ For anyone who doesn't remember, this is the Westland Ave garage (next to the giant Whole Foods/garage) that is being converted into condos.
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