Flickr Finds & Social Media Pics

That last pic looking at the vertex of the Liberty Mutual HQ and that "square" in front is always one of my favorite vistas.

I like to think there'd be an amazing opportunity to exploit that "tip point" in front of that building for a 2-3 story building with huge windows and a TV studio for business, science or technology network (Hello, Bloomberg radio and tv). Really expose the windows to the street so pedestrians can see inside at the studio activities. Put one of those digital and streaming news crawls (a la a small version of Times Square). That area should be WAY more lively at street level than it is now.
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^^ I'll cosign everything you said. We rightly bemoan the excess of glass on new projects these days, but this is an area that could absolutely use a healthy dose glazing. Open it up... do it yesterday!
This one is awesome in full size. Click the pic to see it in flickr, then click the downward arrow to the bottom right that says "download this photo" but instead of downloading click the last option to view all sizes. The original size is immense and awesome. If it's too big I recommend zooming out on it so you're only viewing it at 50-75% or something. Also as always, pics look best when you hit F11 for full screen.

DJI_0517-Pano by eldad cohen, on Flickr
