Four Seasons Tower @ CSC | 1 Dalton Street | Back Bay


Multiple press releases have been saying the tower will be 740'. Others say,
over 740'.... could still be 756'.

Or, maybe the 16' difference is the height of the antenna's base.

could still be 740'.......

i'm leaning toward 740'

yes, i think this will be 740' + the window washing boom, 756'

i mean nothings' going taller than the Pru.......... evaar.

and the Hancock BY GOD........ people,

this is Boston.

here's the reprint (from microdots carried from the 9th Floor vaults)......


yes, that rather settles it, i think......

Could you please stop this we already established why this is all bs and I am tired of you bringing it up over and over. Also it really doesn't matter that much but it is really annoying to constantly see someone posting the same stuff over and over. Also DZH22 has spent time proving this over to you multiple times as have I and it is incredibly annoying to have to listen to you dispute this constantly because several news publications are using the developers stated height that has been proven to never be a reliable guide to actual height on both this and many other projects. Here is the same information again from DZH22 in case it actually sticks this time.

I just realized that of course this is 756', and here is how I prove it:

A 100' antenna mounted on top brings the total height to 856'. I think every single forumer here, regardless of knowledge level, can recognize that they are not going to be mounting an antenna on top of the window washing rig.

Now somebody give me the Archboston Internet Sleuth of the Year award and I'll be on my merry way.
In a desperate attempt to get this back out of the swamp, here's a photo of 1 Dalton. The red line is where it will start to poke up above the Charles, maybe the 30th floor or so.
Could you please stop this we already established why this is all bs and I am tired of you bringing it up over and over. Also it really doesn't matter that much but it is really annoying to constantly see someone posting the same stuff over and over. Also DZH22 has spent time proving this over to you multiple times as have I and it is incredibly annoying to have to listen to you dispute this constantly because several news publications are using the developers stated height that has been proven to never be a reliable guide to actual height on both this and many other projects. Here is the same information again from DZH22 in case it actually sticks this time.

Agree. Odurandina's posts really just need to start being swept into the trash.
or just ignore it...

There is a feature to help with that. Odurandina is on my Ignore List along with Rifleman. The only time I have to see their inanity is when someone else quotes them.
Goddammit everyone! This thread is determined to stay off target.

Maybe there should be a separate thread to discuss Odurandina being banned?
There is a feature to help with that. Odurandina is on my Ignore List along with Rifleman. The only time I have to see their inanity is when someone else quotes them.

But if they don't see his/hers posts, how are the suppose to complain about them?
Maybe one of you guys should go to the site and take some pictures instead of complaining so much.

Plenty of pics from this weekend were posted on the previous page from 2 different posters. I doubt it has changed enough since then to warrant this comment.
So, ~10 floors in 3 months (12 weeks) seems pretty good - wasn't the Millennium tower at about 1 floor per 1-1.5 weeks? I wonder if after they get past this mark if the floors will go up even faster.
So, ~10 floors in 3 months (12 weeks) seems pretty good - wasn't the Millennium tower at about 1 floor per 1-1.5 weeks? I wonder if after they get past this mark if the floors will go up even faster.

It sped up to almost 2 floors per week at points. I am guessing once this gets to around the 8th floor they will be pouring over 1 floor per week. (maybe about 1.5/week)
It sped up to almost 2 floors per week at points. I am guessing once this gets to around the 8th floor they will be pouring over 1 floor per week. (maybe about 1.5/week)

Actually just checked the construction management plan, and they target ~1 floor per week, which I think puts it on track to top out by the end of the year - I would guess, too, that it might accelerated to more than that. Seems to be still reasonably on schedule.
It sped up to almost 2 floors per week at points. I am guessing once this gets to around the 8th floor they will be pouring over 1 floor per week. (maybe about 1.5/week)

Really? It seemed to go up quicker than that.
How long will that white trailer be on top of the building as it rises? I don't think I have seen anything like it before. I have not seen it on any project down here in NYC either.
How long will that white trailer be on top of the building as it rises? I don't think I have seen anything like it before. I have not seen it on any project down here in NYC either.

This is entirely a guess (as I've been thinking about that too)...but to connect the dots...

We've seen in other highrise construction a lower floor being converted to a construction worker/personnel headquarters (& cafeteria) zone once 10 or so floors had been built. On Millenium Tower, for example, they set up the fourth floor (I believe) as such a facility. But until that floor was sufficiently ready, they had to do that elsewhere (not to mention, there are increasingly more and more construction workers on site as the tower progresses because you've got the arrival of various infrastructural and finishing trades showing up)...

So my guess is that One Dalton will need a larger space for personnel purposes at some point, but since its a tiny lot, they will need to wait until a lower floor is ready for that purpose.

When this thing is at 30+ stories and climbing, it just doesn't seem to make sense to have any sort of office (even if its just a foremans' office) be that high up...why tie up limited construction elevator or stairs resources for that purpose if you don't have to? Not to mention the wasted time it would take to get up/down from there.

But I understand in the mean time that they may have had no choice but to create that sort of space out of thin air due to the micro size of this lot...

I know One Dalton has an engineering & PM field office elsewhere in the Christian Science complex, but that only supports a few people...we're talking about a separate set of personnel needs once the full cohort of building trades is on site...

Those more informed correct me please...
