Four Seasons Tower @ CSC | 1 Dalton Street | Back Bay

Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

... and that should reassure us when no other document shows it ... right?
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

I don't see anything in any of these graphics that suggests the reflecting pool will be reduced in size or built upon.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

... and that should reassure us when no other document shows it ... right?

Yeah, you're right. I got excited for a moment there.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

^^notice how they cut the pool in half?
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

Anyone ever tried to walk from the Back Bay to South End through the CS plaza? It's a bitch in the cold weather. Yeah, cutting the pool in half would help that.

Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

Cut in half? No, it looks the same size it is now.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

He means they bisected it with a path.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

Oh! Sorry, didn't realize that's what you were all talking about.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

Oh! Sorry, didn't realize that's what you were all talking about.

Right, the church lady (still blanking on her name!!! SOrry, church lady) made it clear at the first meeting that they don't want to reduce the size of the pool but just make it easier to navigate through and to highlight the old Mother church building. The foamcore model shows a diagonal cut meant to reflect the old street cut from the tower to Mass. Ave. but I think they may be leaning toward a perpendicular cut from Hunt. Ave. now.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

Sounds like the Berklee expansion plan that was also just posted. Thanks, Shadow Cabal at the BRA! Sure is great to know that one of the city's biggest industries -- real estate development -- is micromanaged by a mayoral plaything of dubious constitutionality and an open disregard for architecture and best practices in urban planning.

There was a joint taskforce meeting a few weeks ago in preparation for this. I missed it but heard it was essentially preparing the the community for this.

Anyone know if this land is city-owned? If not, I don't get why the BRA goes around plotting where there should be high-rises, unless they (i.e., the city, i.e., the taxpayers -- but that's another issue) control the land...

It's not city-owned but the city took over a large portion of the existing FCCS campus by eminent domain in order for the church to expand beyond the three original structures -- Mother church, addition and publishing building. The original planning document expired a while back and they're required to submit a new one I guess. Something to do with size of contiguous property or an agreement with the city at the time? Not sure.

That all being said the church really only has two sensible options for height. 1. Sunday School building 2. triangle/parking lot. (And both were seized by the city for FCCS.)

EDIT: That was unclear. What's now the FCCS campus that wasn't already owned by them was granted to them by the city under urban renewal that expires in 2015.

The original buildings used by FCCS were:

- Mother Church
- Extension to the Mother Church (plopped on the west side)
- CSM Publishing Building

The Pei plan:

- the plaza/reflecting pool
- the Sunday School building
- the Mass. Ave. lawn
- tower
- colonnade
- triangle/service

Other properties:

- parking areas on Belvidere/Dalton
- two buildings on Mass. Ave. (City Sports, now owned by Berklee + Reading Room, still FCCS)
- new Mass. Ave. facade/Mapparium entrance to the CSM publishing building (Pei had a more concrete concept I think. /groans)
- I never bothered to look up the St. Germaine/Clearway deeds but that was somehow part of it.
- Horticulture Hall

Other properties that are a direct product of the same urban renewal plan and connect to it, but are not necessarily owned by the church:

- Symphony East/West (church paid to "replace" lost housing)
- Church Park apartments
- Bread & Circus/garage
- Greenhouse (now in Harold Brown's empire)
Last edited:
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

^ You mean the Church didn't own the Sunday School building?
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

^ You mean the Church didn't own the Sunday School building?

Unclear, sorry. Where the Sunday School building is was given to the church during gentrification. It was a movie house (Ron?) before. Built in a style similar to Horticulture Hall. Someone with more time than me might find info on the campus plan at BPL, maybe even online. I need to go home now though!

I meant that the Sunday School building and the triangle are the only two logical candidates for height in today's political atmosphere. Unless they're bold enough to build on the Mass. Ave. lawn or the floral colonnade on the south side of the reflecting pool. Or by demolishing the fleatrap of a hotel across Huntington.........AHEM.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

The Sunday School building is on the former site of the Uptown Theatre, originally built as Chickering Hall and also at once time called the St. James Theatre. In its early years, this theatre was home to Emerson College.

Further up Huntington Avenue, the Strand Theatre was also lost to Christian Science expansion. I think the high-rise is located approximately where the Strand once stood.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

See those 4 rows of townhouses in that diagram. Probably 1000 - 2000 people who CHOSE to live the heart of the city. They will fight all of this and Berklee tooth and nail. If they were all to get built life would be the same, but these people think jobs and maximizing a tranist infastructure are bad things.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

Wait - where does either CSC's or Berklee's plan involve razing 4 rows of townhouses?
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

Someone said that? ^
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

Ron, they won't fight it because they're in danger of losing their homes. They'll fight it because they hate change.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

See those 4 rows of townhouses in that diagram. Probably 1000 - 2000 people who CHOSE to live the heart of the city. They will fight all of this and Berklee tooth and nail. If they were all to get built life would be the same, but these people think jobs and maximizing a tranist infastructure are bad things.

I doubt it, most (if not all) of those are rentals.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

^^^ Hopefully that is that case.
Re: New tower at Christian Science Church Plaza

I'm not that hopeful. There's going to be a lot of opposition from people in the Back Bay.
