I don't know if this has been discussed, but I am very leery about the changes made to the roadway by the Science Museum. They chopped the road from 3 lanes (inbound, towards the highways) to 1 lane, 1 bus lane, and 1 bike lane. Between Edwin Land Blvd and Museum Way, there is only room for 4-5 cars when the light turns red before all the cars will be stuck in the major intersection. Then heading towards the highways there is now 1 single lane that needs to disburse to 93N, 93S, and into the North Station neighborhood.
I realize it works *now* because there are barely any cars on the road. However, even with the extremely light traffic the double stacked light for Museum Way is an issue. I can't imagine how bad things will get when people start returning to work. I have seen some pretty bad jams here in the past, and that was with all 3 lanes available! I just don't see the current setup as a viable, long term solution.
Also, that bus lane causes a lot of confusion and I consistently see cars driving in it. Then if you want to go onto Storrow you need to cut across the bus lane to do so, and if you want to go to North Station it's the same thing (unbelievably confusing logjam at the light by the highway ramps). If people are trying to get out of the city, we should be making it as easy as possible to get on these highway ramps and off the surface streets! The current setup is possibly the dumbest thing (and biggest downgrade) I have ever seen in my life, and is going to fail miserably with even half the traffic levels as it used to have.