Privatization will solve exactly zero problems.
On a more mundane/practical note: how many stretches are there right now where the T actually (until last night) was going more than 25 mph? As some have pointed out, it often feels like the T doesn’t go that much faster than that (especially with all of the Red Line slow zones). I’m sure that in reality there are quite a few stretches— I remember clocking the Medford Branch at at least 30 mph— but I am genuinely curious how much.
I also heard the suggestion that the 10 mph limit will be for travel through switches. (I wonder if that would include traveling straight through, eg a crossover switch, in which case that would be a lot of places.) But at a minimum, that would mean slowdowns at:
- All terminals (except maybe Bowdoin because of its loop?)
- Kenmore
- Copley
- Park
- Government Center
- JFK/UMass