Re: Pike Pictures (Not Pretty)
Alright, well we're both entitled to our opinions. I wasn't referring to any specific socioeconomic status either; just that graffiti has its conveyance of culture, art, and social understanding, whether it be from some jock type bu kid or 'disenfranchised inner city kid.' I have quite a few friends from rich white suburbs in connecticut who live in nyc and boston and have created 'tagged' the most racially ambiguous masterpieces. There is a time and place for everything and I'm not stating this specific example as being a good or bad thing, but in general, trenched highway beds and railroad tracks are prone to such occurrences because of their discrete locations at late hours. I think there should be a city wide art program that brightens up our dark, musty loading alleys and trenched highway beds.. Why waste such valuable space? I lurk the alleys daily and would love to see some freedom of expression. Not everything has to be pristine; there are some illish qualities to a city as well. We can't stray away from such original ideals. You can report it to the city but chances are they won't do anything about it...and plus, is it really any skin off your back? Are you a religious extremist or something? "DISGUSTING!"
edit:i was totally still in debate mode with that last comment. mccain got bombed.