Slightly off topic, but there are even worse examples than this, of bike infrastructure being put on hold because it's just not seen as an actual value beyond window dressing. The new off street cycle track on Beecham St. in Chelsea will be great when they get around to finishing it. But right now, it is somewhat dangerous because they haven't re-located the utility poles. Every time you get to a pole, you have to fit through a narrow gap between the pole and a fence or mud zone. My initial inclination was to not use it until they finished the job. But ironically, building it in the first place, required narrowing the street, which is no longer so safe to ride on due to lack of buffer between curb and cars. Half finishing the bike project has effectively made the corridor more dangerous for bike riders than if they hadn't done anything at all. But to the casual observer, there is this amazing (and expensive) bit of infrastructure -- why do those entitled bike riders still complain? This is the reality in the United States.