Actually the law requires a licensed architect OR a licensed engineer.
[from 780CMR]
116.2 Registered architectural and engineering services:
116.2.1 Design: All plans, computations and specifications involving new construction, alterations, repairs, expansions or additions or change in use or occupancy of existing buildings shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a Massachusetts registered architect or Massachusetts registered professional engineer and shall bear his or her original signature and seal or by the legally recognized professional performing the work, as defined by M.G.L. c. 112, ?81R. Said signature and seal shall signify that the plans, computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of 780 CMR and all accepted engineering practices.
But this is a minor point.
To criticize modernism or architects based on this work is specious nonsense.
See below there are three documents.
Page 1 is the building permit for the addition. Note the "name of architect or engineer? is 'Eastern Design Associates' [right up there with Rudolph and Kahn on everyone's lists I trust?].
Page 2 is the refusal letter from ISD for the zoning violations.
3 and 4 are the zoning appeal that was filed which was obviously approved.
From the appeal: "The appellant is of the opinion that the granting of this petition will in no way detract nor be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood nor the public good. A litteral [sic] enforcement of the zoning regulations would involve a substantial hardship upon the appellant. Desirable relief may be granted by your board without derogating from the intent and purpose of these regulations?