Home for Little Wanderers | 161 South Huntington Ave | Jamaica Plain

What, if anything, is being preserved here? The old masonry buildings are beautiful - I hope they're leaving at least something...

Sorry to inform you but nothing will be surviving. These pics are already a week old and you can imagine how the site looks today.








does anyone have a render of what will be replacing this? I cant remember if i ever saw one. I always thought this building was nice but kinda out of place.
Well, I guess it will be added density, so that's good.
It's 2014. Why are we allowing new construction with street-fronting parking? Sometimes I just want to throw up my hands and give up.
It's 2014. Why are we allowing new construction with street-fronting parking? Sometimes I just want to throw up my hands and give up.

there are six parking spaces in front not the end of the world
there are six parking spaces in front not the end of the world

Six parking spaces, plus what amounts to a two-way access road. That 30' setback is 50% asphalt. Oh, and the lovely dumpsters facing out onto South Huntington. I guess they wanted some urban "flavor".

This thing looks like it belongs on 128.
The old building(s) had a setback and some of the adjacent buildings have the same type of setback. That being said, however, if you go north or south of here, the streetscape is more urban. The whole drive up lane is a missed opportunity to make the immediate area a bit more attractive and hospitable to pedestrians.
The old building(s) had a setback and some of the adjacent buildings have the same type of setback. That being said, however, if you go north or south of here, the streetscape is more urban. The whole drive up lane is a missed opportunity to make the immediate area a bit more attractive and hospitable to pedestrians.

This building could have bucked the trend. However, the fact that every building on this side of the street has the same setback mean that there is always the opportunity to widen South Huntington through here for a trolley reservation. Except for a pinch point at Bynner Street, you could run one all the way to Hyde Square...
^ If the E-line comes back to JP, it will be street-running. No one will be taking land to make room for a partial reservation.

I'm not saying it was the greatest building but it was a good older building and now it's being replaced by something generic and boring. Not even close to being worthy of having Olmstead in the name.
Walked by (or rather got held up) as they were doing some blasting here today. I've never heard one of these up close and personal, and it definitely met my expectations for awesomeness. Best I can describe it is as a very deep and concentrated pop with surprisingly little physical vibration, like the kind of tone you'd need a good subwoofer to reproduce (think 808 bass, for those up on their hip hop lingo). And as you might imagine this does not translate well to pictures.


Did they attempt to salvage any of the ornamental work? If so - where does it go?
Best I can describe it is as a very deep and concentrated pop with surprisingly little physical vibration

No vibration? Heh, come on in to the VA Hospital. My office is at the very end of the hallway leading away from South Huntington, so I'm pretty much as far away as I can be while still being within the hospital. They've been blasting twice a day for the past week or so (usually just after 10:30 and just after 1:30, or something like that).

It starts very suddenly and always catches everyone by surprise. The ENTIRE hospital shakes (you can definitely feel it even if you didn't hear the structure rumbling) and you hear this very low, ominous rumble. It is very brief, and is over in one second, but it is damn cool.


OK I'm stumped... what the funkenwagnalls are these things?


