I-90 Interchange Improvement Project & West Station | Allston

Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

The Boston Society of Architects is hosting a two-day workshop on the urban design issues of the Mass Pike project.

The kick-off panel discussion is Tuesday @ 6:30 at 290 Congress Street.

The design team presentations are Thursday @ 4:00 at the Jackson Mann preceding the 6:30pm MassDOT meeting.

This is a great opportunity to see how some of Boston's leading designers would leverage the city building opportunities of the proposed Mass Pike realignment. It would also be great for some of the folks who have been so creative on this thread to attend the Tuesday event to share their thoughts with the design teams.

Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

Is this just thought exercise or does this have any possible implications for the final design?
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

Is this just thought exercise or does this have any possible implications for the final design?

Well, CBT is one of the teams, and this being Boston the odds are pretty high that they're involved in the final design somehow :).
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

The last bit really makes the BSA look wonderful...

The BSA also provoked the creation of the Rose Kennedy Greenway when, in the late 1980s, it floated a concept of a post-Big Dig landscape covered almost entirely in new development. At the time, no one had any idea what would replace the elevated Central Artery. But the BSA’s plan horrified City Hall, and the city responded by claiming ownership over the landscape. But the BSA shocked the city into launching an overdue conversation about what a finished Big Dig should look like.

Kind of weird to include that.
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)


Tonight at 6:30 at the Jackson Mann Community Center, learn how MassDOT plans to spend 250 million public dollars to rebuild the Mass Pike in Allston.
At 4:30, learn how the Boston Society of Architects thinks this project should start the transformation of the last major piece of developable land in Boston.
Both meetings will be at the Jackson Mann Community Center, 500 Cambridge Street, Allston
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

I'm heading out to the BSA presentation now, I'll be at the MassDOT presentation too. Anyone else going?
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

I'm heading out to the BSA presentation now, I'll be at the MassDOT presentation too. Anyone else going?

What a waste of my 1000th post, but yes. I'll be there a tad late, though.
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

I cut my hair since the last time I was out in public, but Im sitting along the aisle towards the back. Nametag too
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

So... the meeting isn't technically over, but I need to justify my leaving early to Dave and Matt and the others who were there (and nice to see you guys). Unlike MassDOT, I won't bury the lede:


We'll get the real images up there in a little while, I'm sure. The highlights of this alternative, which resembles the "Urban" tight concepts from April:

- MassDOT appears fully committed to the Urban theme, tossing out anything with sweeping ramps or wide curves. They showed the lest offensive of those renders for about 10 seconds, sweeping it out along with any ideas about stacking the Turnpike and rail lines.

- There must have been some requirement that they mention "West Station" in every other sentence, because they did so to the point that it got a little silly. The platforms have been shifted to right behind BU's property, but no overpasses on either side. They're really pushing ped/bike connections through the station to the access roads.

- Soldiers Field Road is probably going to shift, but not the part Dave wants, and not very far. I wish they'd pick a color less disingenuous than green to show the new alignment, because the new parkland looks like nothing on maps. It's 36' max, with that less likely alternative tucking the EB lanes of SFR under the Pike. The more likely option would cantilever the highway over 1 lane of EB SFR and provide ten fewer feet of width for the park. The big win they were trumpeting here is a new ped/bike bridge over SFR to connect the White Path with a new fully grade-separated multi-use thruway that would run right along the Turnpike with underpasses at each intersection.

- To keep Cambridge St. narrower (they didn't commit but it's probably 4 lanes), it would be paralleled with new streets on both the north and south. The southern one would likely split SFR/Storrow EB traffic through the site proper and off of Cambridge St, while the northern one would take traffic from Cambridge and SFR to the Turnpike and pull it into a thru movement instead of a left turn.

- MassDOT mentioned talking to Harvard and BU and the importance of continuing to do so. I'm still a little skeptical of how this gets developed (all the AB forumers missed at least some of the BSA presentation), since literally every road through this site would be an access ramp for the Turnpike or SFR. Also, Houghton continues to get lip service on street plans that assume it's gone.

- Finally, they quoted (and the Globe had in advance) a $260M project cost. The majority of that is expected to come from tolls. There is no funding for West Station, but the PM promised that the Secretary is trying to find the money and the design will assume that it exists.

In all, it continues to impress me that MassDOT has actually come as far as they have with this. The traffic study results are encouraging. My biggest question (and it's something MassDOT can't do a thing about) is still how Harvard handles development. I'm concerned that we'll be driving, walking, and biking on a grid of roads with no buildings in 2050.
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Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

I'm actually liking this latest MASSDOT plan. It is much better than the initial suburban type plans. Also, it does not preclude adding a couple of future bridges to connect with streets tying into Commonwealth Ave, as I show here:

Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

Nice to meet ya.

$260m has been the quoted price tag all along.
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

Nice to meet ya.

$260m has been the quoted price tag all along.

Fair enough - I'm used to wallowing in the CIP numbers that don't add all the components together. That's what I get for not doing 5 minutes of research :).
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

Looks pretty good overall. The big thing I wonder is that some of the one-way streets only go to or from the Turnpike. If Harvard puts buildings along them, how does local traffic get to or from the buildings? How would on-street parking work (if there were any)?
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

Looks pretty good overall. The big thing I wonder is that some of the one-way streets only go to or from the Turnpike. If Harvard puts buildings along them, how does local traffic get to or from the buildings? How would on-street parking work (if there were any)?

The same thing worries me, but it's important not to think of the access road quite like a ramp. The ramps are on each end. In other parts of the country, buildings directly front access roads like this with curb cuts and everything without much of a problem.

Hopefully, Boston or Harvard would throw some smaller roads in amongst the State ones, and that might make access to the development easier.
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

My concern is that some of those blocks are pretty big. I think some additional local roads cutting up some of the bigger ones would do wonders.
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

So they are dropping any connection to the Pike completely? That's quite a shift in plans. Or do have a different idea to deal with commuters on the Pike?
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

So they are dropping any connection to the Pike completely? That's quite a shift in plans. Or do have a different idea to deal with commuters on the Pike?

There are access roads parallel with the pike. No mammoth ramps.
Re: I-90 Interchange Improvement Project (Allston)

Any estimates as to how long construction of a realigned Pike would take? And what the impacts would be for daily users? If it takes 2 years to reinforce one bridge and do some median work, how will such a large project not drag on for a decade or more?
