Public Information Meeting next Tuesday.
Wait - what?! Well-scaled and logical street network, complete streets, moved and depressed SFR to create an at-grade connection to an esplenade, vehicular and pedestrian connections between Cambridge Street, West Station and Comm, future-proofing for air rights... This is fantastic. I'm sure there will be some nits to pick, but it actually looks like they read ArchBoston to get this to where they are.
Remember that this is the BRA, not MassDOT. The BRA isn't building any of this, nor are they paying for it. Soldier's Field Road is also a DCR facility, so neither agency involved in this project can move it, and the presentation admits that Houghton Chemical would need to leave to make that happen (they are holding firm, last I heard).
Placemaking Study: Purpose and Process
Provide a critical evaluation of the proposed MassDOT I-90 roadway and transit infrastructure to ensure that it does not preclude a range of successful urban design, economic development and neighborhood planning outcomes in the future.
can someone explain the extended (seemingly toward infinity) time frame for the lane closure? was this to facilitate the construction of the Fenway Ctr decking?
A couple streets were raised before but it wasn't the whole grid.
The next meeting is Wednesday, July 13 at 6:00p.m. (Fiorentino Center – 123 Antwerp Street, Allston) for additional questions, discussion, and comments on the BRA's draft Placemaking Study recommendations.
The BRA will accept written comments on the Placemaking Study recommendations through Monday, July 18. Comments can be sent to
The goal is to finalize the recommendations by the end of July so that they may become available immediately as a tool for evaluating further iterations of the design and for commenting on the upcoming DEIR.
How is the BRA process going to ultimately influence MassDOT?