Infill and Small Developments | Portland

There was a sign saying that the gelato store was returning in September.
I don't think Five Guys was doing good business there anyway - only basing this on a very scientific set of drive-by observations.
Looks like they've finally broken ground on these "Eco Lux" condos on Morning St

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Yes, it's replacing the parking lot. My issue isn't the cladding or the eco bleh, I just don't like seeing the neighborhood get more 1.5M condos.
Is this replacing the parking lot at 130~134 near the corner of Morning & Turner? The 3D model looks like it's using the same exterior panels as most of the (non-brick) buildings in the neighborhood, so it mostly just looks like a triple-decker with an extra floor, to me at least...

Many Portland residential developments are going very Soviet Union with their design aesthetics.
Many Portland residential developments are going very Soviet Union with their design aesthetics.
I said something about this a while ago. There's not much that's very interesting about the architecture of most of the buildings that are going up in Portland right now. In fact, they all have the same "look". Insert some kind of color here, brick here, metal there, bump outs, varying roof lines. It's not very "timeless" like some of the architecture that COULD BE built. Blame building costs for this, I guess. I just wonder if we're going to look at Portland in a couple decades and think it looks tacky or like gaudy brutalist architecture. I'm not convinced they'll age well. But nonetheless, I'm glad Portland is finally starting to build build build - just not fast enough for my liking and too may darn failed projects.
Driving by Walgreens on Congress Street across from the Dow House and 7 eleven there was a plan to build a new store what happened to the plans?and plus i am surprised that no one has developed the large tract of parking lot in the back...
