Only the 5th time they've redesigned this intersection in the past decade?
12.11.22--I'm going to miss the old building a lot, I think it is a nice stately structure.
View attachment 31659
MIT has filed an amendment with the City of Cambridge to begin construction on the approved C-3 tower, moving the commercial development up from the third phase of development.
Per BLDUP, a building originally planned for Phase 3 could begin construction soon:
We appreciate our mutual desire for the Volpe development to commence as soon as possible so that the infrastructure improvements and public benefits associated with the initial phase of development
are delivered to the community. With the understanding that vertical and open space development on the site will likely only commence upon a commitment from an anchor tenant for a substantial portion of a commercial building, we anticipate a need to adjust our Phasing Plan to provide for the possibility of developing C3, rather than C2, in Phase 1 of the project.
Thanks, couldn't locate the actual application online...
IIRC, a big part of the community dialogue and resulting conditions for this development were that the 3rd & Broadway corner would be developed first so that community amenities (park, community center) would be delivered early in what's inevitably going to be a very lengthy construction process for the overall site. I do not believe that part is being done contingent on leasing. But the rest is the commercial/profitable meat and potatoes of this. We were discussing the phasing changes upthread, which seem largely to be about shifting the most leasable space earlier in the process. The planning board meeting on the phasing change already happened (Jan 17th), but I am not aware of the outcome.
I think for us architecture/construction fans, a take-away is that a ton of demo, site prep, and foundation work for the overall project will likely commence soon, even though the 3rd/Broadway corner area is likely going to far outpace the rest in terms of completion.
Good catch! I'd suggest you start a new thread for it as something like "Volpe Parcel C3 | 75 Broadway | Kendall Square".Big update on the Special Permits site today. The first of the building-specific designs for the Volpe site has posted:
This is for building C3 as shown here:
View attachment 36746
The design is as follows (many more renders in the design package):
View attachment 36747
Above are from Part 1 of the design package, posted in 3 parts in the above permits site:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
These are scheduled for a May 16, 2023 planning board meeting
Multigenerational family photo
View attachment 40008