Liberty Wharf | 220-270 Northern Ave | Seaport

Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

Holy crap! In what crazy world is Arlington more progressive than Boston?

Their time line starts in 1996 and this project wont be done until 2011.

Meanwhile the Boston mass ave project dates from the early 80s.

So clearly, a decade of inaction leads to better results....?

(why is everything so damn slow)
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

The problem isn't a wide street that cuts through a dense grid, like the avenues of Paris and New York or the main streets of central Boston.

It's that all the streets are wide. And the blocks are huge. And there's one building on each of them (and half the time there's none; just a superfluous park).

Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

The problem isn't a wide street that cuts through a dense grid, like the avenues of Paris and New York or the main streets of central Boston.

It's that all the streets are wide. And the blocks are huge. And there's one building on each of them (and half the time there's none; just a superfluous park).

"Convention District" and Boston should be an oxymoron when placed next to one another.

But yeah, we know that nominal buildout to the sidewalk and a few extra stories mean this office park will be more Kendall Square than Waltham.

This does not inspire confidence.

It is also a waterfront, has an established industry (maritime), and is not quite a clean slate (the world trade center and other wharfs are decent anchors). While there have been failures (no need to mention them) there have been successes (ICA, Liberty Wharf presumably). Of course there is a giant missed opportunity here; now it is time to think about what is next how the current situation can be improved.
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

I don't think the seaport needs to "look like Boston" necessarily. There are advantages to a blank slate too, and it may still be too soon to call what's going up a failure.

I don't think it's necessarily up to architecture to define an area as psychologically part of "home base" for Boston residents. To many residents it's a non-area, a foreign country, a frontier or a place to pass through on occasion - like an airport. Can architecture help? Certainly. But what's also improtant is that this area becomes part of the mental map of the city. And that goes beyond buildings and footprints.

For example, even though it's a different area than we're discussing, I think the build-out of Fort Point will be key here. Getting residents - not just conventioneers - to come across the channel will help define the seaport as "home base" - and once the channel is seen as an intra-urban waterway and not a border, the arterial roads of Northern Ave, Congress, and Summer Street will provide the necessary psychological link to the new frontier.
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

Too bad Symphony Hall has such good acoustics.

Funny quote, though your overall point is of course right on. Will the seaport have anything of note?
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

Honestly, the ICA is a flash in the pan, and whenever development picks up, its effect will be ruined by being crowded out by abysmally shitty Fan Pier stubs. Liberty Wharf is nothing special, it's the kind of thing that we should have expected the entire Seaport to have consisted of so far (glassy, engagement with the pedestrian). Only because everything else is crap does it get raves.

The WTC should not have been built out as it was to begin with. The city let them race ahead even as the Seaport was being "planned". It was a major fail that set a bad, bad tone for the heart of the district.

The extant maritime industry is irrelevant to most of the area we're talking about.
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)









Bonus pic:
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

This thing is taller / girthier than I expected.

Necessary last pic comment: it looks okay framed like that. Of course, we don't see the other park just across the street.
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

That park is proving to be a success. It is well used and I often wonder where the people are coming from who are hanging out there (must be the hotels). That last pic looks like Vancouver.

The park adjacent to this one must be redeveloped -- it is really no park at all rather a sort of art sculpture monument that is taking up valuable property. That is a prime spot for additional restaurant space.
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

Not too much progress






The area around it is getting new sidewalks
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)














Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

That could either turn out really awesome or really lame. Too early to tell.
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

I know. I'm still erring on the really awesome side, but I'm trying not to get too optimistic lest I am disappointed with the final result.
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

One things for sure, this is the place for CHOWDAHHHH (say it frenchy)
Re: Jimmy's Harborside Development

I come from the future, with photos of the finished building!


Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

Looks like they've veered more than somewhat from the initial renderings, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It is still early, but I think this will be a success, both architecturally and commercially. I am hoping to order fried clams here on July 4th.
Re: Liberty Wharf (Jimmy's Harborside)

Here's the on-site rendering:

