Lovejoy Wharf - Hoffman Building | 160 North Washington Street | West End


Looks like they've been powerwashing that old brick. Looks great.
Is it just me or does this development seem painfully slow? They haven't even started the condo portion...
Is it just me or does this development seem painfully slow? They haven't even started the condo portion...

Nope, I agree with you, it's sad how slow this one is moving.
I can't imagine rehabbing an old building is something you can do quickly. Chances are they found a couple things they didn't expect once they started demoing.
There is a lot of infrastructure work on the waterside. Also, remember, this project won't have parking, so once steel starts on the condo building part, it will rise really fast and be doing the interior within months.
There is a tenant with an occupancy date for the old building. Priority goes to it. No tenants for the new building.

Also the new pier and the slab for the condo building are being used for staging. 'Haste makes waste', or in this case, the prospect for increased cost because of a constricted construction zone.
Re: Lovejoy Wharf

I don't remember this being posted here...

From TAT's Facebook cover photo:


Is this still whats happening here? I must have joined AB after demolition began and this rendering came out and never knew what this project would look like when completed.

This is great! Boston is going to look very different in 5 years
That pavilion they are putting on the pier has precedence. I didn't realize there was a pretty substantial wood framed building there before.

14447793035_9bb8548bb6_o.jpg that also a "Nashua st residences" in that pic as well?
