Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

You somehow caught not one, but two couples snuggling up to watch that sunset. That's about the best statement of success you could get for that public amenity.
Seriously. Some ppl were hating on it but watching cars go by is relaxing, especially when it gets darker and their lights come on. Its like people watching but those people are inside of moving metal boxes going 65mph.
You somehow caught not one, but two couples snuggling up to watch that sunset. That's about the best statement of success you could get for that public amenity.
Yes, especially since it's perched right over a highway. That is true success.
This is, hands down, the best development of the decade.

+1, van. And it's because of the HUMANOID element.

Too many developers care only about the economics - - too many posters here care only about the height.

But what truly makes a great urban development is how it ENLIVENS a city with activity. Great cities are beehives - - not just big boxes. Right now the very deadest area of Boston is the area with the greatest concentration of tall buildings - the Downtown Business District. This is not to say downtowns with tall buildings can't be dynamic - - they can and SHOULD (look at Times Square) - - but there should not be this idea that the height of a building is the end all.

Tall buildings are great (and I love them as much as the next), but the most important urban element of even the tallest building isn't the top floor, but the ground floor.

Lyrik is the epitome of that.
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