Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

the wrap on the top of the core is down as of this morning...
Is part of the building on the deck? It looks that way to me but I thought people were saying a few pages back that none of the structure is over the highway, just a park or open space.
Is part of the building on the deck? It looks that way to me but I thought people were saying a few pages back that none of the structure is over the highway, just a park or open space.
The towers are on terra firma, the podium, however, crosses the deck.
Part of the taller tower is over the train tracks/highway/podium.


If you look at the pictures below the side of the core is right up against the wall separating the train tracks. Pretty soon theyre going to start adding steel that brings that side of the tower out over the tracks/highway. You can see in the image above that the core is not directly against the wall of the tower and the floor will extend out around the core evenly on all sides.

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That last pic gives a clear view of how theyre now starting to build out the tower over the tracks/highway. It goes out far enough to cover the entire inbound lanes of the pike. Great view btw.
Has anyone seen the portal for the underground pedestrian tunnel to the T/ Auditorium station tied in to the west side? I'm hoping it gets done; it will be a big win for this site.
Gonna be weird having that view of the pru/hancock blocked after all these years. Definitely worth it tho to fill in the gashes around mass ave/boylston.
Damn, seeing St. Botolph Street's photos really hit home how this stretch of Boylston is finally filling up.

From 2005-7 I lived right here because I went to Berklee for part of that time, and my view was out directly onto this site. One would think between the highway traffic, local road traffic, and then Fenway patrons walking back and forth before and after games it would've been off the charts noisy and chaotic, but really it wasn't bad at all -- highway traffic only made a dull roar sound, and you'd be surprised just how quiet the Fenway crowds were most nights. And as far as apartment views go, I had one HELL of a vista to watch the city go about its daily animations, something I marveled at over and over for the nearly three years I was there.

So if you would indulge me, I went through the archives (crazy to see photos *I* took start to look freaking ancient) and pulled together a little collection of the site as seen from my apartment in different years and seasons.

May 2005 with people walking to an evening game


May 2006


March 2007


Handcuffs on the Fourth of July


Noon on August 2nd with people walking to a 1 pm game versus the Orioles


Later that day


And the following morning... I was about to move out so I was taking one shot per hour at the exact same angle for 24 hours


Finally, a friendly reminder of just how shitty this stretch of Boylston used to be

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