That was a huge step, admitting your problem. Maybe in a few years when you've gotten that west coast dank out of your system and you've done sonething worth doing with your life, you'll understand that the world's problems can't all be solved by pissing away other people's hard earned money.
At least my problem isn't that I hide behind a keyboard typing shit I wouldn't say to someone in person, which seems to be yours. You've made quite a few assumptions about who I am and what I do, not the least of which is that I apparently have never had a job (which I'm guessing is what you mean by doing "something worth doing.")
Of course, the natural right-wing inclination is to first claim that someone who disagrees with them must be a bum collecting handouts. When the person proves that in fact they have a job and collect no welfare of any kind, then the goalposts move and suddenly the *particular* job that the person has is what's no longer good enough, and is worthy of ridicule. "You're a leech! Go get a job!" Umm, no, I work at _______. "Only losers work there! What a fucking loser!!"
In any event, the idea that I haven't contributed or done something of worth (which in your mind apparently equates entirely with $$$$) is surprising to me, as looking at my past tax returns it appears that I have in fact found gainful, full-time employment and pay a variety of taxes. Maybe it's all that dope I didn't smoke in Oregon that is clouding my mind and making me read things on tax returns that didn't actually happen. Maybe someone else did that work and paid those taxes? Or maybe whatever work I did was loser work, and maybe whatever organizations I worked at weren't of any "worth" to you, the arbiter of such things.
Since you've implicitly stated that you've done a lot more of value with your life than I have, I kindly request that you enumerate all the wonderful things you've done that make you a better and more worthwhile human being than I. And to avoid the inclination you have to making over-the-top, hyperbolic pronouncements from behind your keyboard, I welcome the opportunity to see what kinds of statements you make in person.
This is hardly a threat - I'm genuinely curious to see you in person and have you tell me that I'm worthless and that I enjoy pissing (your?) hard-earned money away. Feel free to post dates and times at which I can show up and receive my verbal thrashing from one of my betters.