Mayor's $16-billion housing plan


Active Member
Oct 10, 2009
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Sounds like Menino wants to raise my property taxes for affordable housing units. Fuck that...I'm fine with what I currently pay.

Sigh....why must liberals always want to raise taxes?
Wow now it's a whole thread set on a loaded premise? Well done...
So your assumption is the 30K more private units will not supply enought taxes for 5K more affordable units? Do we have any existing figures that can give us insight?
If Boston already has the highest percentage of affordable rental housing in the country...what's the problem?
If Boston already has the highest percentage of affordable rental housing in the country...what's the problem?

That by no means validates it as being ok. There's nowhere near enough affordable units in the city to meet the demand and the "affordable housing" that is available isn't actually "affordable." "Affordable housing" in the Fenway for example, requires a salary of around $70,000 a year (a woman from the Fenway CDC came and spoke at a seminar my senior year and shared this statistic). We need a huge push to develop truly affordable housing in areas of Dorchester, Roxbury, JP, etc marketed not as Section 8 ghettos, but not as luxury developments. We need to build up communities of young grads and working class people.
"Affordable housing" in the Fenway for example, requires a salary of around $70,000 a year

So in realizing that they can't afford to live there, they take a trip south and rent a place they can afford in Roslindale or JP. Problem solved.
Ya seriously...back bay and beacon hill need more affordable housing so I can move there.
Good one!
(It wouldn't be printed in the Globe because dissenting opinions aren't allowed in the Village that Takes.)
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Is somebody going to mention how this is all a giveaway to shiftless unions? I feel a "DRINK!" coming on in this game. :rolleyes:
Listen guys, all of you need to stop trying to de-rail this thread. I know it's tempting to bash liberals who want Boston to become a socialist city with horrible schools; who are also responsible for all the stumpy buildings and Waterside Place. But let's focus on the subject at hand please, kthxbi!

F-Line, how would this affect your amazing amtrak choo-choo trains at south station?
Listen guys, all of you need to stop trying to de-rail this thread. I know it's tempting to bash liberals who want Boston to become a socialist city with horrible schools; who are also responsible for all the stumpy buildings and Waterside Place. But let's focus on the subject at hand please, kthxbi!

F-Line, how would this affect your amazing amtrak choo-choo trains at south station?

"Stumpy buildings" is pretty inspired, but I's lacking a certain je ne sais quoi.

You sure there's no "welfare queens" angle you can't lather on this, Howie?
Just in case you don't have your glasses.

C'mon, Howie. It's gonna be 10...12 hours at most before the mods lock this one, herd Binky and Chuckles and Bozo back into the Mayor thread clowncar, and bury the evidence like it was all a bad dream. This is your canvas.

Paint us a fuckin' talk radio Picasso here.
This thread is still salvageable since they will just delete our posts. Besides, this is a legit topic.

I don't read or listen to Howie, but I'm glad you like him!

Now answer my question!!

F-Line, how would this affect your amazing amtrak choo-choo trains at south station?
This is a legit topic, but this thread is worthless.
So in realizing that they can't afford to live there, they take a trip south and rent a place they can afford in Roslindale or JP. Problem solved.

Which is exactly my point. The problem is that it is not being built there and there is no excess of housing in Rozzie/JP (where prices are climbing out of control anyway). We're putting up these shiny apartment towers downtown/Fenway and the neighborhood committees are requiring the "affordable" housing be on-site, when really most of the towers should be all market-rate and the developer should just build a parcel of affordable housing somewhere the city will really benefit or something. Maybe they could take some large lots near T stations or something, subdivide them into small parcels, and allot them for development. Maybe the city could actually get serious about the 3rd option (which is paying into a fund to develop affordable housing) and all these developers could pay into the fund and the city could build a decent size TOD or something instead of wasting time and money trying to force affordable housing into downtown towers.
