Somerville needs some "last 1500 feet" lanes on the AM inbounds to Davis Sq and Lechmere. Who do I contact?
I noticed, for example that innermost College Ave @ Davis ban parking 12mid to 6am. Why not 'til 10am and call it Bus-and-Bike only. Helps the 94 and 96. On Holland you'd speed the 87 88 and a relocated 79 350. All on parking that isn't really needed until 10,am
Into Lechmere traffic is worst from Twin Cities inward
This too should get a bus lane, but I haven't studied the parking
This would be the likely link for Somerville traffic planning.
For Lechmere, that's in Cambridge and I think McGrath is run by MassDOT and doesn't have street parking. I imagine GLX will make this a moot point before MassDOT will take a lane of traffic for busses